ACCION URGENTE: Violenta represión contra movimiento popular en Oaxaca
México, Distrito Federal a 17 de julio de 2007.
Lic. Felipe Calderón Hinojosa Presidente de la República
Lic. Francisco Ramírez Acuña Secretario de Gobernación
Lic. Eduardo Medina Mora Procurador General de la República
Lic. José Luis Soberanes Fernández Presidente de la CNDH
Dr. Estuardo Mario Bermúdez Molina Unidad de Derechos Humanos SEGOB
Dip. Emilio Gamboa Patrón Presidente de la Junta de Coordinación Política de la Cámara de Diputados
Sen. Santiago Creel Miranda Presidente de la Junta de Coordinación Política de la Cámara de Senadores
Santiago Cantón Secretario Ejecutivo de la CIDH
Louise Arbour Alta Comisionado de la ONU
Sr. Amerigo Incalcaterra, Representante en México de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos
La Liga Mexicana por la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos (LIMEDDH), la Asociación de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos y Victimas de Violaciones a los Derechos Humanos en México (AFADEM-FEDEFAM), la Fundación Diego Lucero, el Comité de Derechos Humanos de las Huastecas y Sierra Oriental (CODHSSO), la Asociación de Derechos Humanos del Estado de México (ADHEM), la Comisión Magisterial de Derechos Humanos (COMADH), el Comité Cerezo, el Centro de Derechos Humanos y Asesoría a Pueblos Indígenas (CEDAPHI), La Asociación Mexicana de Asesores en Derechos Humanos (AMADH), la Asociación Nacional de Abogados Democráticos (ANAD), el Centro Nacional de Comunicación Social (CENCOS), con el respaldo de las organizaciones que abajo suscriben, con domicilio para recibir comunicaciones en Avenida Azcapotzalco No. 275, Colonia Clavería, Delegación Azcapotzalco, C.P. 02090, México, D. F., con número telefónico: 53990592 y Fax: 55991336,, solicita su intervención urgente ante la violenta represión contra movimiento popular en Oaxaca, 1 muerto, 62 detenidos, decenas de heridos e intoxicados y un abogado del Comité 25 de noviembre herido.
El lunes 16 de julio ("Lunes del Cerro"), para cumplir con la tradición cultural del festejo anual de la Guelaguetza (que lleva ya muchas décadas) decenas de miles de contingentes del pueblo, en masiva manifestación, se dirigió al auditorio abierto de la Guelaguetza; sin embargo al llegar la avanzada del contingente de la manifestación pacifica, policías de diferentes corporaciones, por órdenes del gobernador y del presidente de la República bloquearon el Cerro del Fortín para impedir que se realice aquella festividad popular.
Sin embargo algunos contingentes de la avanzada de la marcha quisieron insistir en que les permitieran realizar la actividad cultural en el lugar que le corresponde. La agresión se inicio aproximadamente a las 11:30 horas a.m. con el lanzamiento de gases lacrimógenos y piedras en contra de los manifestantes de la Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca y maestros de las Sección XXII del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación, por parte de los elementos de la Policía Municipal, Policía Preventiva y Policía Bancaria e Industrial que rodeaban el Fortín llevando a la confrontación con piedras y diversos objetos, lanzando disparos cartuchos de gas directamente hacía las personas que se encontraban al frente del contingente.
El enfrentamiento lucio por su gran violencia, los diversos cuerpos policíacos golpearon brutalmente a maestros y manifestantes, además lanzaron bombas de gas lacrimógeno en contra de establecimientos comerciales, casas particulares y edificios públicos. Así mismo, en la escalada violenta resultaron lesionados reporteros gráficos de los periódicos Reforma, Noticias, Marca y Tiempo, quienes daban cobertura a la golpiza de la policía a los manifestantes.
Estos hechos violentos se enmarcan en el dispositivo implementado por el Gobierno Estatal denominado "Guelaguetza 2007", mediante el cual se acordonó el Cerro del Fortín y en el cual participan elementos de Elite del Ejército Mexicano, Policía Federal Preventiva, Agencia Federal de Investigaciones, Policía Preventiva y Policía Municipal de Oaxaca. Este operativo coordinado por la Secretaría de Protección Ciudadana tenía el objetivo de impedir la celebración de la Guelaguetza Popular por parte de la APPO y la Sección XXII en dicho inmueble, no obstante que el Gobierno del Estado declaró días antes su respeto absoluto a esta celebración.
Según los datos oficiales del Estado de Oaxaca el saldo de la violenta represión hacia la manifestación es de 40 detenidos de los cuales 26 hombres, 4 mujeres, 6 menores de edad y 4 lesionados recibiendo atención médica.
Desde el Espacio de Organizaciones Civiles de Oaxaca hemos documentado 22 detenidos que no aparecen en las listas oficiales del Estado, 5 lesionados hospitalizados, decenas de intoxicados y una persona fallecida esta reportada en los medios de comunicación.
Lista oficial del Comunicado Oficial del Gobierno de Oaxaca
Detenidos Hombres:
1.- Roberto Carlos Avendaño Ruiz, 20 años
2.- Melquicedec Pérez Reyes, 19 años
3.- Joaquín Vicente Cruz, 62 años
4.- Eduardo García Hernández, 27 años
5.- Mario Enríquez Martínez, 50 años
6.- Eliel González Luna, 55 años
7.- Héctor Emanuel Cruz Gómez, 22 años,
8.- Jorge Luis Esperón Cortés 36 años
9.- Jesús Aurelio Flores Flores, 32 años
10.- Eloy Antonio Santiago, 67 años
11.- Luciano Victoriano Benítez, 25 años
12.- Mario Javier López Herrera, 19 años
13.- René Gómez Ruiz, 23 años
14.- Juan Diego García López, 22 años
15.- Olivo Martínez Sánchez 26 años
16.- Eleazar Abel Núñez Peña, 26 años
17.- José Francisco García Martínez 20 años
18.- Eduardo Albino Piñón González, 19 años
19.- Manuel Morales Guamatzi, 29 años
20.- Francisco Javier Ruiz Pérez, 41 años
21.- Julio Alberto Ortiz López, 39 años
22.- Gonzalo González López, 21 años
23.- Ramiro Díaz García, 29 años
24.- Raúl Genaro Hernández López, 49 años
25.- Leonardo Santiago Vásquez, 49 años
26.- Edgar Francisco Ortega Cruz, 21 años
Detenidos Mujeres:
27.- María Guadalupe Sibaja Ortiz, 20 años
28.- Silvia Gabriela Hernández Salinas, 24 años
29.- Belén Areli Hernández Juárez, 20 años
30.- Isabel Martínez Hernández, 19 años
Detenidos menores de edad:
31.- Juan Manuel Ríos Orozco, 16 años
32.- Fernando Victoriano Benítez, 15 años
33.- Rodrigo Moreno Galindo, 17 años
34.- Rodrigo Martínez Antonio, 15 años
35.- Javier Abimael Luis García 15 años
36.- Carlos Hernández López, 17 años
Detenidos lesionados que están recibiendo atención médica:
37.- Jorge Luis Martínez, 49 años
38.- Emeterio Merino Cruz ,51 años; quien falleció por estallamiento de vísceras debido a un petardo.
39.- Edilbeto Yescas Aguilar
40.- Pablo Pérez Hernández 22 años
Lista de detenidos documentados por el Espacio de Organizaciones Civiles de Oaxaca que no aparecen en las listas oficiales del Estado:
1. Sergio Jair Martínez Julian
2. Genaro Hernández Martínez
3. Jorge Luís Martínez
4. José López Martínez
5. Eliel González
6. Jesús López Martínez
7. Juan Carlos Cruz
8. Edilberto Yescas Aguilar
9. Pablo Pérez Hernández
10. Constantino Martínez Sánchez
11. Saúl Martínez Pérez
12. Ignacio Martínez Pérez
13. Armando Agustín Carriedo Chávez
14. Carlos Jair Martínez
15. María de Lourdes Hernández Hernández (38 años)
16. Patzi García Hernández (15 años)
17. Monserrat García Hernández (13 años)
18. Omar García Hernández
19. Concepción García Velasco
20. Rodrigo Getzemaní Martínez (15 años)
21. Joaquín Israel Vicente Cruz
22. Julio Alberto Ortiz
Personas Lesionada Trasladadas al Hospital Civil:
1. Emeterio Cruz
2. Alfredo García López (Abogado del Comité 25 de Noviembre)
3. César Grijalva
4. Profesora Elvira "N"
5. Rodolfo "N"
1.- Emeterio Merino Cruz Vásquez; falleció por estallamiento de vísceras debido a un petardo.
Consideramos que este hecho se suma a las provocaciones implementadas por el Gobierno Estatal en contra de la Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca y además es un signo ominoso de un Gobierno que ante la incapacidad del diálogo recurre una vez más al uso irracional de la Fuerza Pública.
So pretexto de la mágica canalización del "desorden social", el gobierno mexicano impone en el estado oaxaqueño una política que agudiza los enfrentamientos y la polarización en lugar de alivianarlos. Recordamos que es obligación del estado mantener la paz social del país siempre con la utilización del dialogo, y no lanzando su caballería contra los movimientos sociales aplastando los tratados internacionales de derechos humanos y criminalizando la protesta social a través de la manipulación de la opinión pública.
Durante muchos años los gobiernos desvirtuaron la Guelaguetza, festividad tradicionalmente indígena en un negocio comercial y político en la que el pueblo de Oaxaca tiene muy poca participación. Por eso el movimiento democrático ha buscado recuperarla para el pueblo, que éste vuelva a jugar el papel central, sin hacer a un lado a otros sectores de la población que quieran gozar del festival.
Instar a las autoridades:
i. La salida inmediata del gobernador del estado de Oaxaca, ULISES RUIZ ORTIZ cuyo autoritarismo ha sido el origen del conflicto y su permanencia es la causa de la salida represiva y violenta al conflicto que se está implementando.
ii. Que se respete la integridad física, psicológica así como las garantías al debido proceso, en especial el derecho a la presunción de inocencia de los miembros de la APPO, de los trabajadores de la Sección XXII del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación, de los estudiantes, de los miembros de las organizaciones sociales, así como de las personas solidarias presentes en la entidad.
iii. Se tomen medidas concretas y urgentes para implementar la Declaración de los Defensores emitida la Declaración sobre el Derecho y el Deber de los Individuos, los Grupos y las Instituciones de Promover y Proteger los Derechos Humanos y las Libertades Fundamentales Universalmente Reconocidas.
iv. Que el gobierno apoye a que las partes en conflicto hagan uso de la vía del dialogo para la mejor resolución, garantizando en todo momento el cumplimiento de las obligaciones del estado mexicano del respeto, garantía, prevención de los derechos humanos de los individuos.
v. El cese de las amenazas de violencia o de cualquier otra forma de intimidación que menoscabe su dignidad humana.
vi. Que la CNDH, con base en sus atribuciones y facultades, actúe en relación a las graves violaciones a los Derechos Humanos que trascienden el ámbito del estado de Oaxaca y son de interés nacional e internacional.
vii. Llevar a cabo una investigación inmediata, exhaustiva e imparcial sobre los acontecimientos anteriormente mencionados; solicitando que los resultados de dicha investigación se hagan públicos y que los responsables de esos hechos comparezcan ante la justicia.
viii. A los organismos internacionales de protección de los derechos humanos, con base en el marco de sus atribuciones, expresen su preocupación ante la gravedad de los hechos e insten al gobierno mexicano a que atienda las peticiones planteadas.
ix. De manera general, conformar sus acciones a lo dispuesto por la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos y los Pactos y Convenciones Internacionales sobre Derechos Humanos y referentes a la protección de los Defensores de Derechos Humanos ratificados por México.
Liga Mexicana por la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos
¡Una llama encendida por los derechos de los pueblos!
Adrián Ramírez López, Presidente de la Limeddh
Yésica Sánchez Maya, Presidenta de la Limeddh-Filial Oaxaca
Mandar Comunicaciones en español, en inglés o en su propio idioma. A los fax y correos electrónicos con la clave AU-017-2007 – OAX – APPO a:
Presidente de la republica
Residencia Oficial de los Pinos Casa Miguel Alemán
Col. San Miguel Chapultepec, C.P. 11850, México DF
Tel: +52 (55) 27891100
Fax: +52 (55) 52772376
Licenciado Francisco Javier Ramírez Acuña,
Secretario de Gobernación,
Bucareli 99, 1er. piso, Col. Juárez,
Delegación Cuauhtémoc, México D.F., C.P. 06600, México,
Fax: +52 (55) 5093 3414
Lic. Eduardo Medina-Mora Icaza
Procurador General de la República
Procuraduría General de la República, Paseo de la Reforma nº 211-213, Piso 16
Col. Cuauhtémoc, Del. Cuauhtémoc, México D.F., C.P. 06500, MÉXICO
Fax: +52 55 53 46 09 08 (si responde una voz, digan: "tono de fax, por favor")
Dr. José Luís Soberanes Fernández
Presidente de la CNDH
Periférico Sur 3469, Col.
San Jerónimo Lídice,
10200, México, D.F.
Tel: 631 00 40, 6 81 81 25
Fax: 56 81 84 90
Lada sin costo: 01 800 00 869
Estuardo Mario Bermúdez Molina
Titular de la Unidad para la Promoción y Defensa de los Derechos Humanos de la Secretaría de Gobernación
Dip. Emilio Gamboa Patrón
Av. Congreso de la Unión 66
Col. El Parque, Del. Venustiano Carranza
CP, 15969, Mexico, DF
Tel. conmutador y pedir fax 56 28 13 00
Senador Santiago Creel Miranda
Torre Azul, Piso 20, Reforma 136
Col. Juárez, Del. Cuauhtémoc
México DF, 06600
Teléfono Ext: 3042,3493, Fax 3527
Louise Arbour
Alta Comisionada de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos
Sr. Amerigo Incalcaterra
Representante en México de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos
Sr. Santiago Cantón
Secretario Ejecutivo de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
El Observatorio para la Protección de los Defensores de Derechos Humanos
Tel. y fax: FIDH: + 33 (0) 1 43 55 20 11 / + 33 (0) 1 43 55 18 80
Tel. y fax OMCT : + 41 22 809 49 39 / + 41 22 809 49 29
Ana Hurt
Programa Regional para América, Secretariado Internacional de Amnistía Internacional
Favor escribir también a las Representaciones Diplomáticas de México en sus respectivos países. Con copia:,
Una llama encendida por los Derechos de los pueblos!
Liga Mexicana por la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos
La Limeddh es filial de la Federación Internacional de Derechos Humanos,
la Organización Mundial contra la Tortura (OMCT) y está asociada a
Trabajar Juntos por los Derechos Humanos.
Todos ellos con estatuto consultivo ante la ONU (Resolución 1296 del ECOSOC)
Av. Azcapotzalco No. 275.
Col. Clavería. C. P. 02090,
México D.F.
Tel. 53 99 05 92.
Fax: 53 99 13 36.
Unfuck Planet Earth.
The gods will do everything in their power to prevent this, for they worked very hard to set up this degenerative environment.
As people begin to age the gods employ corrupting tactics. They ultimately begin to look down on the children and the wisdom they recently understood:::
They voluntarily turn their back on their opportunity to ascend and instead embrace evil.
It's not old people who go to heaven. Old people must come back because of the mistakes they've made throughout their lives. Children are the ones who have the opportunity to ascend.
Children are discounted by adults in society. The gods corrupt people as they age, use trust-building tactics and soon adults view the children as ignorant, yet to understand the god's system, and subsequently look down on the children. This is one of the most bitter, painful ironies the gods employ, for people consciously turn their back on and lose their opportunity to ascend::::
Religions teach that old people to go to heaven when they die. They don't. Old people are reincarnated. It's the children who go to heaven.
The wisdom the gods impart to children, either through their innocence/purity or religious-based educational pursuits are the gods sharing the truth with their most favored people::::It's the children whom the gods teach the right way for it is the children who have a chance. For example, they teach children to have faith, for understanding the god's geographical clues hurts people by illustrating negative things, opening the door for the god's to employ deceptive tactics.
Old people don't go to heaven. Old people must come back because of the mistakes they've made throughout their lives. It's the children who have the opportunity to go to "heaven". They must behave apprioriately, think correctly and be genuinely god-fearing. Their innocence and lack of desensitization ensures they have a real opportunity to achieve this goal.
This is charecteristic of the gods methodology::::The big prize gone early, compelling people to chase something that already has been decided. They sent this clue with boss as well. It is also a clue supporting my claim RW&B's german is in fact Christianity's Anti-Christ. Logic also dictates, considering the definition.
The confusion over this multi-dimentional positioning will serve as an effective tactic, eliminating many additional disfavored in the process.
Females are better people than males
Historically the role of females was as enforcers of decency. Men have god's disfavor and enagage in behavior damaging to themselves and their families. Women who adhered to this crucial role helped the men understand and avoid inappropriate behavior while enhancing decency in their domestic environment. These women sacrifice to help the disfavored:::They are like Jews, scattered throughout Europe to help the misled Christians.
Many disfavored groups embrace "paternalistic superiority" and believe the men are "entitled"::::;If Italian women tried to enforce decency the men beat and raped them.
The gods subsequently used this Italian charecterisitic to corrupt other morbidly disfavored groups, legitimizing this and other associated behavior.
The gods are users.
You don't want to heed the senarios they sell you telepathically. The gods instruct the computer to use temptation to test us. Your best case senario is to recapture your innocence and strive for purity:::Flanders in on the Simpsons FOR A REASON!!! Barring that, if you are so corrupted you MUST understand then you need to think and interperet their clues yourself and stop listening to the inaccurate senarios they feed you, for this is a delaying tactic which is costing you years.
They said HW was a "traitor", established with the airplane incident during WorldWarII. As we witnessed repeatedly in the 20th century, these incidents ocurr to initiate a legacy and pave the way for a far more significant events in the future::::
If true this legacy would recurr in W's administration::::
Rebate checks on the way into and out of office are both bad signs.
Signing on to Iraq to eliminate Saddam and 4,000 Americans is another clue.
Don't be surprised if they have him sabotage some things on his way out, and since McCain is good it will (has) happen(ed) one way or the other::::
The whole economy issue came out of nowhere in February 2008. Consistant with the god's methodology, expect justification was utilized::::::
Of course the crashing dollar of the last few years has comeplled OPEC to value oil with the Euro instead of the dollar.
Don't forget:::The Reagan administration was charecterized with banking scandal too:::"Intentional foreclosure" constitutes justification sufficient for their exclusion::::
I realize this problem isn't just a California issue, but the "upside down" status of home owners makes California special, makes "intentional foreclosure" far more attractive to the morbidly disfavored, victims of the "platform" which was used to promote social poison in the 20th century.
Sounding like a goddamn blooming idiot when he speaks is a clue unlike any others. When Reagan spoke it sounded as if he "fuddled", a clue not to trust him.
"They're going to pay for 2004." Redneck states. And oh how they will pay:::
Recently they have stated that the Chinese are holding US paper. Some patriot W is, selling US debt to communists. Perhaps the invasion mentioned below will be a way to "redeem" these bonds after they've fallen into default.
Earlier they illustrated that there is a higher ocurrance of 1998 victims in the South, using the Clinton figure to prey on his own kind.
Perhaps part of the family legacy.
Considering the scripted real estate collapse in California, the "upside down" position and subsequent explositon in "intentional foreclosure", do the gods sell these rednecks on "eye for an eye" to some individuals, useful in building their confidence and ensuring absolute compliance, among other things?
Forgiveness:::Some Meditereanean preaches the virtues of "forgiveness". I guess. Bunch of preditors pursuing self-preservation. It was their kind and their friends who fucked up Planet Earth.
The Jesus who preached forgiveness was evil, the same Jesus backed by the god's powers via miracles.
"Eye for an eye makes the world blind." Oh, no::::"Eye for an eye" conditions people and forces them to behave appropriately.
One goal of the Iraq War was to eliminate Saddam Hussein. Saddam Hussein was an OUTSTANDING leader for the disfavored Iraqis. He kept the peace among the grossly disfavored which, once US pullout is complete, may never be achieved again.
If Saddam Hussein was assigned American urban ghettos the blacks whom resided there would become decent, and their children would have a real opportunity to ascend where none exists today.
"Forgiveness" is yet another dynamic of Christianity which is preditory.
This current environment where the gods punish evil covertly enables the perception of evil rewarded and the indecnecy that results produces a planet which is not sustainable.
We no longer receive contradicting feedback because the gods have decided to end on Planet Earth. Consistant with their methodology it begins with the most disfavored among us first.
There is one geographic clue I have not addressed in years:::Uranus, a planet tilted 90 degrees on its axis. I have stated in years past that I think this is yet another geographic clue offered by the gods, this one suggesting the fate of planet Earth, that tectonic plate subduction would be the method of disposal:::Earth’s axis will shift breaking continental plates free and initiating mass subduction.
Undesirables will either perish in the government marijuana erradication program "gone awry" or be the recipients of reparations granted by the US government because of it.
Or both.
I believe the New Testiment battle of the Anti-Christ and the Second Coming of Christ will ocurr in subsequent years SPECIFICALLY because these people will be distracted with the money during the event.
When the Earth's axis shifts people will be cast into outer space with gold cards in hand.
I think this was foreshadowed on an episode of the Simpsons where Homer and Bart are on the disfavored ship and eject, only to experience a sense of euphoria, expand then explode in the vacuum of space.
Recall I recently brought up the possible Manifest Destiny-positioned Chinese invasion of the United States (west coast) upon economic abandonment by their clone host tools (economic destruction and deterioration.mp3). They have mentioned this in years past.
Newspaper just made a curious change where they combined the sports and business sections, and to properly read the business section you need to read "backward". Like Asian languages.
Tariffs. The gods are instruct their tools to defend open free trade, as they will to the bitter end. The gods have a script and they need economic (d)evolution sufficient to justify what they have scripted for our future, so they use their tools to adamantly defend this concept of fair trade::::The time for tariffs has long since past.
Recently they have stated that the Chinese are holding US paper. Some patriot W is, selling US debt to communists. Perhaps the invasion will be a way to "redeem" these bonds after they've fallen into default.
Incidentally, the Chinese recalls (lead-based paint on toys, toothpaste, etc) may be in preparation for this invasion, a tactic esuring a percentage of disfavored affected will fight to the bitter end.
I've recently stated how the gods will use the Japanese as role models to the Chinese as China becomes increasingly Westernized. Expect a cultural movement celebrating Japanese culture in decades prior, much as we witnessed in the west in the past.
If we do witness a Chinese invasion on American soil don't be surprised if the very same tactics the Japanese employed on the Chinese will be used on us. Lack of empathy is a dynamic the gods will find important in the context of justification, niggers:::
I've recently stated how the gods will use the Japanese as role models to the Chinese as China becomes increasingly Westernized.
Feedback II.wav
Recall how Americans so frequently laughed at the French for their lack of military response when confronted by the Nazi army. To resist would have been suicide. Their reaction was appropriate. The opposite would be one as we witnessed in Vietnam. These are morbidly disfavored Asians and take great pride in their resistance. The gods DO use their pride in resistance by positioning in appropriate temptation, ensuring minimal sucess.
If events transpire I recommend you respond like the French and not like the Vietnamese. If this is a west coast event it may not have serious effect but if it is nationwide the United States will lose over a hundred million in the South and midwest.
It doesn't matter. McCain doesn't have a chance. Osama's too good. The debates will be one-sided. He has a better chance against Hillary. I can get into the explanation that the gods only use their power to hurt the disfavored, but you've already heard it. Consistant with this, expect gas to climb to $4 if not $5 this summer, ensuring the election is delivered to the wrong candidate::::They've used the price of gas to punish the people for electing the wrong person. In addition, public response to recent poor economic reports ensures conservative behavior, another factor which is intentionally damaging to McCain's chances.
IN 2000 you didn't have a choice, and they sent this clue very nicely with proceedings surrounding the election (just like the 2008 Democratic candidate due to Superdelegates!!!). But 2004 was different. In an ironic twist it will be just the opposite this year, where the gods use the price of gas and run-down economy diverts you TO their prefered candidate. It's ocurring intentionally for this purpose.
You idiot redneck political types are the chumps here. 1998::::Something for everybody. Clinton's impeachment was for people like you. ANYTIME the kids support a candidate it is a RED FLAG, and they supported Clinton in 1992.
It is VERY important that you think clearly::::::::It's important you differentiate between your thoughts and when the computer thinks through you. They've led many into Damnation with this tactic.
Both Clinton and Osama have(had) redwhite&blue campaign signs. John McCain's is blue and white.
I'd like to note "Deja vu", a clue the gods offer to the disfavored::::In an incident similar to the 1998 Clinton impeachment, Osama delivered his speech on race one day before the 5-year anniversary of the Iraq War.
As I noted before in an earlier version:::Arizona is good. Arizona fought making MLK Day a holiday. CNN shares McCain voted against making MLK Day a holiday in 1983.
This is quinessential reverse positioning::::People don't recognize the positive and instead are deceived by the god's reverse positioning, costing themselves the best candidate for the job.
7.44's Port Chicago explosion, in the "eye of The Beast", was a planned incident in WorldWarII. The Italians who planned WWII knowingly used Port Chicago as the seeds of Civil rights because of this symbolism.
Segregation is favor bestowed upon people. Integration represents a deterioration which the gods will use as justification. Considering its global effect people should be alarmed:::We have witnessed a global "leveling of the playing field" event.
Prior to civil rights blacks had their own press. In the absence of civil rights they would have grown into legitimate media outlets. This is not to say the gods wouldn’t have put forth contradictory Manifest Destiny programming to counter, but blacks would have had a choice where none exists now. Similarly, black industrialist would have arisen to serve the black community, and the presence of these black billionaries would have fored the gods to factor them into positioning, excluding such Manifest Destiny abused such as AIDS in Africa, drive-by gangbanging and the crack epidemic.
Civil rights is a wonderful example of a "Big Lie", reverse positioning that can help people see and think clearly. They sent this clue to blacks with MLK's "If I had to sneeze" speech.
McCain's our man.
After 2003 John McCain stated his opposition to the war. Despite this pro-war "party line" he must adhere to as the Republican candidate I'd like this opposition used during the campaign. Without it he is finished.
"McCain's a dinosaur." So was matchmaking. So was decency.
People don't understand this issue. They see Osama and think he's the best candidate because he's appears to have more favor. Never look for consistancy, for Artificial Intelligence is infinitly dynamic:::They make W sound like an idiot when he speaks for a different reason. Also, "sumbling" and "idiot" likely have separate meanings associated. Sorry. It's not supposed to be easy.
The gods have their plan and they aren't going to allow any "do-gooders" interfere with how they intend to proceed:::When they put forth good they create tactics to play off the public's misconceptions::::Make him stumble over his words, etc. The gods send this clue in the Situation:::I'm trying to help people and they ruin my delivery to ensure the number of people who are receptive is minimized.
Don't forget::::The gods will create the perception of favor then corrupt the disfavored with it. My example is Mormons who have the appearance of favor. The gods use this to corrupt the others, even use it to enhance the ranks of LDS. And if any of you LDS think that "We've changed." can look to the Catholic Church as the roots of Christianity to help you understand.
Yes both candidates are clone hosts. Yes the gods will switch them out to justify them being good or evil, depending on how the script reads. But much as I explained this "multi-dimentional" thinking is not for you. The gods use this as a corruptor. They'll sell this, lie to the disfavored and use this as temptation.
"Your child is Hitler. Fuck him over." is just one example:::If you don't do the best you can for your children the gods will punish you.
This is the life into which you've been placed. This is the life on which you will be judged.
In case you are still interested in the god's Planet Earth theater, favored redwhite&blue is a MAJOR player, and their favor is significant to justify not only the destruction of my life but the destruction of the Final Prophet and Planet Earth as well::::
Favored redwhite&blue is the true enemy of the people. I suspect consistant with this they are positioned responsible for the environmental deterioration that the repression of alternate technologies has wrought.
The gods put their positioning into place and then enforce it:::Christianity, Manifest Destiny, Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis, 1906's New Roman Empire. I suspect World War II's Nazi ideals of "Aryan superrace" is another example of the gods getting their tools into place for the theater that will be the Apocalypse.
Because of their status as enemies of the New Roman Empire the germans are going to be positioned as the destructors, similar to how they were portrayed in World War II.
Don’t be surprised if favored redwhite&blue turns out to be the Anti-Christ and leads the Fourth Reich, fulfilling this positioning and proving to the world the destructive nature of this economic system. This may not be exactly how their script reads, but the god's have a BIG SURPRISE like this to spring on the disfavored, and it will contain an insult like this as a clue NOT to watch this theater::::::Expect they will fulfill some contrived positioning foreshadowed in WorldWarII:::Some American plays the role of hero and emerges as the Second Coming of Christ for this final scene.
Who will it be? Italian? Look for at least the mother to be Italian, consistant with matrilineal descent, allowing the New Roman Empire to claim the Second Coming of Christ. It’s all just theater. The gods don't admit any of this because people woudl freak, especially as we approached the big day.
People may say “How can they poisiton favored redwhite&blue in as the Anti-Christ?” It may be consideration. Don’t forget:::They prey on enemies of the Roman Empire out of respect for their Manifest Destiny superiors.
The gods positioning the Italians gave it to him for his loyalty. They gave it to him for his efforts to defeat alternate technologies/energy sources, ensuring the people would be delivered to the point of desperation.
It’s all theater. The gods position it that the New Roman Empire is dooling out the “big prizes”, and Anti-Christ is a big role. Likely the gods position it as it buys him immortality in the context of this absentee-Christian god positioning. The “help” of this “back hand” is the gods positioned that he needs this to achieve immortality because of all the evil he engaged in during the course of his life, building his organizational empire.
There is a issue with timing and the beginning of construction of disfavored redwhite&blue's center, one where this company looks bad.
I personally believe the favored redwhite&blue is the element of favor necessary for my failure, for if it were just the disfavored redwhite&blue involved the gods would have let them fry and we would have had a full-blown prophet event, one where our “absentee Christian god” emerged and revealed themselves.
In addition favored redwhite&blue had to maintain appearances. Disfavored redwhite&blue is Italian and was VERY involved in the 20th century's ugliness.
My life was destroyed becuase the gods had to create unrespecability in the context of positioning. Evident by their easily-discovered evil, disfavored redwhite&blue wouldn't have cared if I was respectable or not, for they were involved in great evil against the respectable.
Favored redwhite&blue is why I am fat. Favored redwhite&blue is why I was sedintary, for if I were respectable the gods wouldn't have been able to position favored redwhite&blue into the Situation. Because of their ethnicity they get the priveledge of looking good. This is one reason why they got that prior knowledge and constructed their center before the Situaiton began::::Favored redwhite&blue is the TRUE Enforcer.
Incidentally, in the course of this Situation the gods made many movies, using daily events in my life as inspiration. One of note:::Unhappy about the god's behavior in the context of this event, while in favored redwhite&blue's facility I looked at their mascot and flippantly declared::::"Why don't you make a movie about these things?" Two years later ____ came out.
They won't admit this because favored redwhite&blue has to maintain their reputation based on integrity, any creative claims countering this truth were attemtpts to protect this, for this movie was unseemly and was very telling about the direction the gods were taking the people.
And, as an added bonus they had their scapegoat without actually compensating him!!! Welcome to the pathology of the gods.
In case you are still interested in the god's Planet Earth theater, favored redwhite&blue is a MAJOR player, and their favor is significant to justify not only the destruction of my life but the destruction of the Final Prophet and Planet Earth as well::::
Favored redwhite&blue is the true enemy of the people. I suspect consistant with this they are positioned responsible for the environmental deterioration that the repression of alternate technologies has wrought.
The gods put their positioning into place and then enforce it:::Christianity, Manifest Destiny, Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis, 1906's New Roman Empire. I suspect World War II's Nazi ideals of "Aryan superrace" is another example of the gods getting their tools into place for the theater that will be the Apocalypse.
Because of their status as enemies of the New Roman Empire the germans are going to be positioned as the destructors, similar to how they were portrayed in World War II.
Don’t be surprised if favored redwhite&blue turns out to be the Anti-Christ and leads the Fourth Reich, fulfilling this positioning and proving to the world the destructive nature of this economic system. This may not be exactly how their script reads, but the god's have a BIG SURPRISE like this to spring on the disfavored, and it will contain an insult like this as a clue NOT to watch this theater::::::Expect they will fulfill some contrived positioning foreshadowed in WorldWarII:::Some American plays the role of hero and emerges as the Second Coming of Christ for this final scene.
Who will it be? Italian? Look for at least the mother to be Italian, consistant with matrilineal descent, allowing the New Roman Empire to claim the Second Coming of Christ.
This entire event was something special, and consistant with segmentation they lied to different disfavored based on their chances :::Saved or The Damned.
To The Damned I am an enemy of the Roman Empire, someone to be destroyed and used, and if the disfavored found that acceptable it worsened their lot, costed them hope and was a clue any recovery would be a very tough road to hoe.
The saved saw other clues, boss, natural calamities, and it gave rise to me as a possible historical figure. The gods offered clues that neither "savior" nor "new king of Earth" was possible, for Christianity positioning is going to be fulfilled and Earth has to die.
I don't think we were ever talking about Second Coming of Christ in public circles, for this would have implied The End and that would have compelled people to freak. But in the context of private positioning, perhaps to clone hosts in The Beast, certainly to me, there may have been some connection::::
Jesus of course was Jew, and they positioned this was a competition, reasoning "Since the Jews got Jesus they get this too.", and that's why I was hired by the Jew. Expect this was a way to enhance the theater among the disfavored.
So positioning states by delivering me to these New Roman Empire monsters they knew I'd get fucked, and in the process forfeit this historical role, to the Jews, perhaps an Italian, for Italians granted "charity wealth" to Jews for planning/implimenting WWII and the Holocaust.
In light of this "New Roman Empire", since Christianity's HQ is in Rome expect the Italians played some part in this historical, religious context.
They suggested this event may already may have happened. If so this was the FAKE battle of good and evil, FAKE battle between the Second Coming of Christ and the Anti-Christ. They suggest the phoniness about it which was communicated to the disfavored telepathically was a clue. Ironically, this Situation is the REAL battle of good and evil, me vs. the gods.
When the REAL battle of the Second Coming of Christ and Anti-Christ occurrs it will be theater, a staged event, and the Second Coming of Christ will "lead out" a pre-selected group, all of whom sign on to the god's Christianity positioning, ironically incurring evil by participating and limiting their time in the process.
Italians:::"(We're all that. We deserve Second Coming.)" And they're going to get it.
The Boot will fuck you yet again::::People know Jesus isn't the son of god, yet this is what the Bible dictates as requirement to be saved.
Those whom the Second Coming will "lead out" will be a pre-selected group. But the "hangers on", people who think they will be included by claiming to be believers will be disappointed. They will be mislead, left behind, The Boot's final victims on Planet Earth.
This is unimportant, irrelevant, because much like the creation of the perception of "savior" around Jesus to distract from his original purpose the gods used their tools to create this theater around me to prevent the disfavored from learning what I teach:::The Boot has fucked the disfavored twice, once when they ruined life in the 20th century, again when they were used to CHEAT you out and disposal of the Final Prophet. Just as they were talking heads for favored redwhite&blue expect this act to be cover for this organization, an original placement long before Italian placement in the "eye of The Beast".
Eiother way, the New Roman Empire is god's Manifest Destiny positioning, and a clue they intend to fulfill their Christianity positioning as well.
Life used to be hard. People had to walk a mile to draw water. There was no refridgeration or canned foods. Now life is easy, but only in terms of life's "basic necessities".
The "salvation" dynamic is quite the opposite:::We paid for our easy lives with our very souls.
Life IS hard now. The gods have used their clone host tools to create the perception of evil rewarded (Italians, Japanese, etc) and then corrupted the disfavored with it. (Expect Asian Westernization is met with a European-style short memory span, allowing the gods to use their historical enemy, the Japanese, to corrupt Asians as they used the Italians to corrupt us).
Before life was easier, more simple, innocent, pure. Employing these temptations ensured corruption is EXTREMELY difficult to overcome, a tactic which progressively ensures fewer disfavoreds repair their relationship with the gods.
14 domesticable animals in the history of Planet Earth. None for Africa. In effect the gods were telling blacks:::::"Eat dirt."
Get a clue::::They don't like you. They're playing you for chumps.
Blacks have forgotten their history. Italians preyed on them in the 20th century. They were slaves. The gods sent Pharroh in to rape, pillage and plunder.
Jews have had a difficult history, but they developed empathy. As a result they tried to help the disfavored with 1492 exodus from Spain, scattered throughout Europe, etc.
Blacks would be wise to examine this and try to emulate Jewish empathy.
The clone hosting of Jesus.wav:::
Much as we saw with another Mediterreanean prophet Mohammed the gods switched Jesus (good) and placed evil within the clone host so the gods could accomplish their goals::::Polygamy/misogyny and the creation of "savior" via Christianity.
As I share:::Anytime the gods use their powers it is only to hurt you. "Miracles" are such an example. The gods only use their powers to disceive and mislead people as we all witness in different ways in each of our lives. Jesus's miracles are a clue the gods were preying upon the disfavored.
I suspect the teachings of good Jesus came in his 20s. Due to the unrespectability of Christianity, illustrated at least partially with Europe's Sheep, I wonder if we ever did get a good Jesus before the age of 30.
There is significant respectability among Muslims, and this may be reflected in the monagamous Mohammed.
Every religion offers something which help people understand::: Reincarnation (Hindu), vengeful/wrathful god (Islam), etc.
If you are afraid it is a good sign, for the gods are helping show you the right way to think. Don't forget:::The gods lie to you, tell you Jesus is the "savior" but he floated up into the sky ALL ALONE!!! He didn't save the disciples nor his precious mother. This is a clue from the gods helping you understand that you have to save yourselves.
The Holocaust was foreshadowing.
The gods established the pattern::::: the Jews sacrifice to help the disfavored understand::::
1. 1492 exodus from Spain. Spain became evil - financed Columbus, initiated missionaries, USA (dumping ground of disfavored, victimized by god), etc.
2. Spread throughout Europe as clue to Christians worshipping a false god.
3. "Quasi-Holocaust claim" contradicting boss.
4. 5. 6. 7. etc. etc. etc.
I have put forth indisputable evidence, as you see above with the Jews. The gods will never admit any of it is true, ever, especially since THE BIGGEST JEWISH CLUE IS STILL OUTSTANDING::::THE HOLOCAUST!!!!!
YOU HAVE TO DEFY!!!! The gods suggested the importance of defiance with the Holocaust:::The soldiers should have defied.
They will lie to the disfavored up until the bitter end::::This tactic will ensure they claim a HUGE percentage of the disfavored, for so many refuse to defy and this will ensure they don't go.
When the REAL Holocuast happens people will sit by idley and watch tens of millions of blacks/cholos/white trash die, people who are the way they are (abusive, abrasive, violent, criminal) BECAUSE of their disfavor, and the computer makes them like that because of it, yet another reason why empathy is so important.
The Jews showed you boss wasn't going to happen with the Quasi-Holocaust claim. They will emphasize to the bitter end that there is no pattern of Jewish clues. They do so because there is still one clue outstanding, the most important clue:::::World War II's Holocaust.
The gods established the pattern:::The Jews sacrifice to help you understand::::1492 fled Spain, scattered throughout Europe to help the misled Christians understand, the Holocuast.
The Jews sacrificed to show you boss wasn't going to happen. When the Jews offer a clue you need to listen, and the Holocaust is the BIGGEST Jewish clue ever, the clue still outstanding.
The Holocaust's clue of defiance escaped you all:::::Everyone condemnes the blind obedience of the Nazi soldiers yet repeats this same behavior in your own personal lives, complying with every request they ask, even in the case of your precious children.
EVERYBODY does what they're told, and look how bad society is deteriorated. THIS IS A CLUE!!!
Telepathic requests constitute temptation.
Much like matchmaking, much like so many social norms and mores the gods granted the people, they offered "prejudice" in the early days of this intermixing known as 20th century America.
They told you to avoid Italians and blacks for good reason::::They are SO disfavored there is NOTHING either group won't do. They will comply with every request. I know you people will too, in err, ignorant of or disregarding the god's laws, but the difference was THE GODS WILL ASK THEM!!! You had too much favor for the gods to request such damaging behavior, at least until you became indecent too.
Prejudice was good for everyone, for it ensured little opportunity for the gods to request, segregation and separation being common. It granted blacks especially more time to fix their problems and try to ascend, escaping this societal deterioration of the last 40+ years.
As the people became increasingly indecent as the 20th century wore on so did we lose this precious benefit bestowed by the gods, opening the door for evil to befall us and for fatal evil to be incurred by the morbidly disfavored.
Much like god's law in holy books, "segregation" was favor bestowed upon the people::::The gods granted favor when they "segregated" us into our own areas of the world. This favor has been reversed not only within the context that is the United States but also with immigration witnessed throughout western Europe (and elsewhere?).
Prior to civil rights blacks had their own press. In the absence of civil rights these entities would have grown into legitimate media outlets serving the black community.
Maintaining segregation would have produced economic entities which arose from within the black community to fill the demand for goods and services.
The presence of these "black industrialists" would have FORCED the gods to factor them into positioning, producing voices in support of the black community and preventing the gods from inflicting ALL THE SICKNESS WE HAVE WITNESSED IN THE last few decades::Crack babies, drive-by shootings, AIDS in Africa!!!
The fastest growing industry in the ghetto is the oldest profession on Earth.
The homosexual AIDS event happened because of their behavior in the SanFranciscio bathhouses.
Italian claim to infamy is they destroyed life on earth. Irish claim is they prey on their own family members. Which one's worse? Just as the gods targetted certain Italians for the degredation of life in the 20th century so did the do the same for the Irish, as I know all too well.
Catholicism masculinized women. You have been warned:::CATHOLICS ARE BAD FOR YOU!!!
I wonder how much the gods used the Green Bay geographic clue on the perpetually stupid Italians and used it to minimize abuses that otherwise would have ocurred?? "Sexual inadequecies of the men." positioning may have justified "going easy" on a larger population of germans in the United States. All we need to do is look to blacks, enemies of the Roman Empire who were fucked wholesale, to see unabated abuses.
The hypersexual laughing at superior life forms, ridiculing their favor.
Incidentally, they share some of them will remain "perpetually stupid". They are the Italians who crossed that line from person to preditor in the 30s, and they're going to be on Planet Earth come Judgement Day, except in a non-Italian body, due to the god's Manifest Destiny positioning of the New Roman Empire. Poetic justice.
If I were king they would be the Italians who were pushed into it, for those who thought 1906 was a good idea would already be gone::::You suck.wav.
Hell's Angels is yet another element to emerge from Oakland, the upper incisor of TheBeast, designed for ripping and tearing flesh. One element that links TheDamned, no matter the skin color:::::Violence.
Fifth Season of Simpsons.
Moe in group therapy for general public at school. He has a thought of Moe as a child wondering why adult Moe doesn't speak with his Italian accent anymore?
They are filth. But they sent this clue when they shaped their country like a boot.
Incidentally, Italy looks like a high-heeled transsexual's boot. Don't be surprised if this is a dumping ground for select individuals.
The gods love their irony.
Moe is like the Italians whom set up the San Fernando Valley as the pornography capital that it is.
The rebirth of the 20th century's New Roman Empire is positioned to be a clue Christianity is the one true religion, contributing to the god's Manifest Destiny positioning.
It5 also worked as a WONDERFUL corruptor with Italians, the disfavored's enemies who subscribed to this shit and intentionally paved the way for the impending Apocalypse with the social deterioration witnessed in the 20th century. This is probably where the reputation "Italians are stupid." comes from. "Don't let your daughters date Italians." is something else.
The gods offered you The Boot AS A WARNING TO AVOID THIS DANGER!!!
Just as AA meetings proves the gods will enforce their psychoanalysis positioning so does Manifest Destiny/New Roman Empire proves they will enforce their Christianity positioning.
Planet Earth will die EXACTLY as it reads in the Book of Revelations.
I was never going to save you. Nobody is. Just as they created polygamy around Mohammed so did they create the perception of savior around Jesus, designed to distract you from the true purpose of the prophet Jesus.
And now you won't listen to me either.
Due to the unrespectability of Christianity, illustrated at least partially with Europe's Sheep, I wonder if we ever did get a good Jesus before the age of 30.
There is significant respectability among Muslims, and this may be reflected in the monagamous Mohammed.
Much as with the Sigmund Freud psychoanalysis positioning the gods will too enforce their Manifest Destiny/Christianity positioning.
They created the theater by giving me things like Boss and movies and other elements of the $100 billion. Calling these entities on their evil negates the positioned support of these organizations, which is and always was the god's strategy for closure in the Situation.
They lie, say I "saved" evil Italians, whom they say would not have been going because of the evil they inflicted upon the disfavored. Fingering this Italian shit allows the gods to position wiping that slate clean::::
The gods will create the perception of evil rewarded by managing good and evil within their clone host tools then corrupt the disfavored with it.
This is all part of the god's Manifest Destiny theater, created using these clone host tools whom they rotate on a schedule based on use.
Just like Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis they will enforce their Manifest Destiny/Christianity positioning as well:::People aren't homosexual. They're not alcoholics. They're pushed into wanting it. That there are AlcoholicsAnonymous meetings occuring all across the planet proves the gods are going to enforce this lie. Similarly, the gods used some of their tools within this economic system to illustrate an "appeasement" of their Manifest Destiny superiors through preditory behavior upon enemies of this new "Roman Empire".
Asians are the gods most favored race. It is evident in their uniformity. It is evident in their cultures.
The gods place high barriers to entry for (some) Asians into the United States. This is yet another good example of reverse positioning, for the gods are really trying to protect those whom they grant favor upon.
There are no barriers to entry for Latinos.
When white people capitalize or exploit Asians they incurr and one day will be punished. This includes Chinese buffet restaurants, so prevalient in disfavored cities and the Southern United States, for the gods hate these people and want them to incurr.
US popular culture is obsence. Intentionally. The gods are preying on the disfavored who remain, those foolish enough to participate.
The Chinese have favor and the gods allow the government to protect the citizens, but Chinese cut-off is fast approaching, for soon westernization will level this playing field as well.
This is yet another "BIG LIE" they sold to the disfavored, and it will ensure the homogination of Earth's cultures via westernization.
The gods still make effort through the Chinese government to protect the Chinese people. We hear about it in the United States, their Manifest Destiny/reverse positioning is used to label it "human rights violations", paving the way for cancer that is democracy.
Much as we saw in the United States regarding matchmaking, midwivery, female conservative dress and other topics, this tactic will slowly deteriorate this protection until China is completely infested with Westernization.
If you lived in a communisitic state your 10 year old son wouldn't be able to see pornographic images on the internet. The government would have filters in place to protect the people from this damaging behavior.
Much like alcoholism, much like homosexuality the gods punish the people with magic.
These desires you have are going to keep you out. I recommend you begin working on your problems, for if you don't and are among those who are invited to Planet (Temptation) Manifest Destiny it will be very difficult, for life is fueled by magic up there, and if you don't think right you won't be staying for long.
The gods are sending a clue Yahoo is good with this Chinese censorship issue.
The American idea of freedom is a shock rocker anally masterbating with a crucifix. This is what the disfavored are free to enjoy in this open society, and due to their disfavor a certain percentage will either be pushed into it or will comply, ensuring damnation. It's kind of like the KKK and Apartheid issue below except for whites of the modern era, or how democracy ensures a false sense of security.
Like other groups the gods have offered temptations the Chinese must avoid. There are specific temptations targetted to the Chinese, very concerning in light of god's Manifest Destiny positioning:::Exploiting the corporate establishment allows the gods to position exclusion:::
1. Piracy (movies, software, etc).
2. Gambling, very popular among Asians (unrespectability).
Chinese censorship is an important benefit the gods bestowed. The communisit government protects the people from damaging media, so destructive in the West and particularly the United States:::Our 9-year-old children are free to view internet pornography, allowing the gods to justify creating disturbing pathologies with Artificial Intelligence as the children age.
These strict enviornments help the disfavored think correctly, foster fear, enabling them to have an improved relationship with the gods, the "kings with the iron fist" in the sky.
In an environment like theirs it is relatively easy to identify the corruptors among them:::Knowingly or not they actively lobby against this environment which seeks to preserve the China of old. Use these clues as you would the god's geographic clues, Italy's Boot and the Scandanavian penis, and avoid the god's tools of corruption.
As China came "on-line" industrially, favored redwhite&blue's repression of alternative technologies is being felt hard.
They are positioned to have repressed non-fossil fuel technologies (like cold fusion. "That story meant something." c.1999?). As a result China industrialization has initiated fossil-fuel power plants, dirty coal-fired plants, instead of immediately implimenting clean power sources based on these new technologies.
Without these technologies in place for Chinese industrialization we lost our chance to control the runaway warming which is now positionable. And, as you know, when the disfavored open a door allowing the gods to inflict misery they use it.
This may have been the defining moment, god's clue to the disfavored showing that the world is going to die.
They've sent clues the Chinese are fucking up. The Rocket's win streak is one (contradict perception of indespensibility?). Pollution is another just not the one I am thinking of:::There are other recent clues suggesting they are making mistakes.
You're no longer Asian enjoying this rich culture. You are Westernized.
This year China experienced the misery of climate change with the extreme winter weather:::The gods will express their displeasure through Acts of god.wav. Don't be surprised if they are communicating this as well at the United States' biggest Chinese New Year parade in San Francisco:::HEAVY rain forecast for parade Saturday night February 23rd.
After parade:::Because I used this paragraph prior to the event the gods may have been affected the outcome, minimizing the impact of the storm so my audience didn't take this warning the gods had to offer, creating doubt and reducing my credibility among the Chinese.
They're paving the way for the Apocalypse with a "leveling of the playing field" event.
Incidentally, they've shared that Asian's appearance, which one can construe as evil, has significance.
I am personally of the opinion that Asians are god's favored race. The conformity, the learned cultures all suggest superiority.
Perhaps they are used much like the germans, a people whom the gods offer a clue through their language:::As enforcer of decency.
Your abuse of resources is being bettered exponentially, maliciously (courtesy of respression of alternative technologies), and the result will be global calamity.
You white people capitalizing in China are fucking crazy (just like the insane white men who date Japanese women). You fail to recognize the historical pattern and you will suffer for exploiting the Chinese:::
- Death Valley borax mines abused the Chinese and great misery befell them.
- The fisheries on Monterey's Cannery Row exploited the Chinese badly. Cannery Row remains a rebar-studded, uncompleted eyesore for decades as a clue.
The gods are preying on you and using the evil company you work for to accomplish this. Everytime you exploit the Chinese you are losing time and priveledge on the other planets.
Tibet has fallen prey to either corruption and/or the Big Lie of democracy, just as so many Vietnamese did decades ago.
You are the morbidly disfavored who fail to recognize god's favor when you see it:::The pinnicle of irony, ED pharmeceuticals::::People injest this poison which will cost them their health TO DEFEAT FAVOR GRANTED BY THE GODS, indifference towards sex the god's way of helping you avoid this damaging behavior.
Took the Dali Lama a week to speak about the riots ocurring in Tibet.
Being a clone host he is a tool of the gods used to prey on the disfavored Tibetans.
In addition to his extensive involvement in the West his implied support for the violence is a clue not to respect him.
Both Confucious and Buddah emerged about the same time. Consistant with the god's methodology one is good while the other is evil.
Consistant with Hardship.wav, expect the evil one to be associated with the ignorant disfavored, those who are closer to Damnation.
Try to use the Vietnamese example above because I understand they have respect issues. The San Jose fiasco the gods put on the national stage to embarass the Vietnamese was yet another clue suggesting this. Their borderline "pack mentaility" is another.
The extreme left supporting Tibetan efforts is another clue. These are the people used to eliminate decency in society since the 60s.
In their quest for irony just as the gods put the most hateful Italians and white supremicists in the Malcolm X clone host in the 60s so do they chose appropriately with this figure as well, for Tibetans are grossly disfavored.
The favor in Korea lies in the North. Association withe United States is ALWAYS a bad sign.
The Korean war ironically was a war against the South, designed to corrupt the disfavored of Korea. I suspect Vietnam may have been justified by the war against these favored peoples:::"You want to fight? Very well. Fight these people." The Vietnamese are morbidly disfavored who will fight to the bitter end of course (see below).
There have been many changes in India over the last 20+ years, most surrounding Westenization.
Too many still don't understand Westernization is a bad thing, a way the gods abuse the disfavored and level the playing field for all, ensuring their script is justified.
My advice is to keep fresh in your memory the old ways, for the gods illustrate that "new is evil" while "old is good".
Beware their corruptors. They placed them throughout society as America emerged and became strong. Don't let them weaken your moral fortitude. The gods placed them then use Artificial Intelligence to telepathically reinforce this corruption. This is their purpose. If you can identify these individuals you can avoid them and protect yourself from a corrupting environment.
Earth is where the gods test people. People from India are lucky enough to have received "extra time" to ascend before the gods employed all these corrupting elements. This means the old ways are still fresh in your mind. Never forget them because they can help you.
They share Hindus (and Muslim from India as well) are being corrupted by money.
Don't forget my example::::Infanticide justifies Chinese Westernization. Chinese Westernization justifies an American-style "short memory span".
The Chinese and Asians knew who their enemy was. Thousands of years of warmongering engrained the Japanese as enemies of peace-loving people. However, with the advent of Westernization the gods now are corrupting the Asians, ironically using the Japanese as role models in the process.
They are becoming corrupted. They've suggested Indians are being corrupted with money in this new era. The result will be simmilar American-style abuses upon the disfavored.
Between the two countries they make up half of Earth’s population. The gods are preparing for a full-blown Apocalypse event.
Think about the changes that have ocurred in India in the last 20 years. Better understanding the destructive changes the gods implimented can help you avoid danger.
1. Italians
2. Latinos
3. Muslims
4. Mormons
5. Japanese
6. The Southern man & rednecks
8. Other Catholic:::Irish, Philipino, Vietnamese?? Catholic women are masculinized.
Note the incredible wealth of some of these groups. The gods are using them as corruptors.
The gods use their tools to attack the Southern man, be it alcohol, the celebration of smoking, the complete devotion to guns and resistance, and their adoration of speed and horsepower. "There's all kinds of stuff." Paternalistic superiority. Celebration of the Prohibition era/illegal bootlegging as culture. The masculinization of women. Celebration of "Stars and Bars". Their perpetual music genre. Carnivoristic preferences. The celebration of infidelity. Their head-strong nature.
The gods used the 1980s televangelist incidents to promote godlessness among these people, a blow they couldn't afford to take.
Reality check:::The gods have it out for you. At least I hope this breaks that ice and helps you understand the task before you. You should be very alarmed that the gods have chose to employ such extensive use of temptation in an otherwise rural region.
I suspect your numbers won't be good due to your grave disfavor.
The more god-fearing you are, the more religious you are about attending service, the more modest and humble and the recognition that women are your superior will all go a LONG WAY towards the gods finding mercy enough to allow help.
The Spainish were Catholic like the Italians and Irish yet I don't recall them experiencing the same clues from the gods, clues warning people of their gross disfavor (stereotypes and discrimination).
Due to Spain's phenominal destruction in Latin America with conquistadors and missionary work I wonder if the gods continually use this to corrupt the Spanish to this day? They certainly do with Latinos.
Spain did pay for Columbus, right? Expect a connection. This is a Church issue rather than an Italian issue of course.
The gods employ their "middle management" tactic, as we all witness. Expect their positioning to continue into the past::::
I've mentioned before the "seamless" transistion between Cleopatra and Julius Ceasar. Perhaps they position this as if there was contact with Pharroh and they gave management duties to Egypt, who went on to use Italy, the Catholic Church, etc. in the course of their management.
Of course none of this is true, but it was utilized extensively during the 20th century. They may continue witrh this scapegoatting, "middle management" positioning::::Milky Way quadrant, Milky Way, universal quadrant, universal. They are effective tactics, ensuring people do not become god-fearing.
Sadly, consistant with the deterioration of society, necessary for justification, today people KNOW the gods run the show, and illustrating the evil they employ on the disfavored corrupts people very badly. They think god is evil, and they behave consistant with that belief. Now we have a planet on a collision course with the Apocalypse, and the gods set it all up perfectly that now it is justified.
Cartoon in editorial ridiculing W, standing in front of a depiction of a god of fertility, for bringing his message of abstenence to a hypersexual people.
Black people are their own worst enemy. Their goodies have gotten them into big trouble.
They've shared they got something special and they threw it away. Expect this focus on their goodies to have intiated this change, however long ago.
Consistant with their methodology, perhaps there is some truth to this "You're really #1." positioning they sell to blacks. Once.
The Boot has fucked you twice, once by destroying life in the 20th century, another by costing you the Final Prophet:::The gods got their tools into position then maintain their positioning telepathically with Artificial Intelligence.
The Boot fucked blacks twice, once with the murder and destruction of these supposed “Roman enemies”, another with the “thugification” of blacks, resulting in this degenerate black popular culture/society.
I fear the gods intend to use the enemy of peace-loving Asian people, the Japanese, to inflict misery twice:::Once historically, as the warmongers the Japanese have historically been and then once again as role models, held up as the ideal to Asians, corrupted by Westernization and capitalism. The gods punish Asians for embracing Westernization/capitalism by instructing Artificial Intelligence to use the wealthy Japanese as role models for "profitable" behavior.
This is the era of telepathic abuse. Whereas before these groups "got their hands dirty" now the gods use their positioning in place to finish the job off::::::
The gods create preferences/request black people embrace the Italian "thug life".
The gods telepathically execute the elements of this theater, ensuring people aren't receptive to my message. Much as we see with Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis the gods will enforce their Manifest Destiny positiong as well.
Black popular culture has embraced the charecteristics of their victimizers:::The "thug life".
"Drive-by shootings" origins are Italian.
The gods will reincarnate sexist men as pigs.
Show on gangland drug sales.
The gods orchistrate this whole underworld, just as they did with the Italians early in the 20th century.
They've excused this off to people somehow, although it should be taken as a clue.
Blackss signed on to this "equality" line of shit they sold to people since the 60s. The gods even referred to in the 19th century:::"2/5ths of a person.".
Blacks gotta pray just to catch up to white people!!! Equality is a lie. This what the gods meant when they made the 1980 telepathic announcement::::"Blacks have to try harder and do better than everybody else."
The difference between life in Europe vs the United States is similar to life in the suburbs vs the ghetto:::
Both the US and the ghetto have increased temptations, opportunities for people to hurt themselves and the result is both are far less decent.
The United States is less decent because this is where the gods sent the disfavored, the rejects from Europe, and those foolish enough to comply and leave on request.
25 years ago they made a telepathic announcement:::::"Black people have to try harder, do better than everybody else." This means no parties, no drinking, no drugs, no sex.
Just like Malcolm X & the Black Panthers, the Che Guevara event happened to prey upon Latinos.
Among others.
Latino homosexual explosion.
Like the NewWorld Catholic Philipinos. Look for it.
They may play it like they do blacks, but I don't think I'd take great comfort in this.
You need to understand the subtle, inferred way the gods communicate to people and begin to trust it::::::
The tiger killed the Latino. Now you understand where the gods hold Latinos in their heirarchy.
And expect both Muslims AND Hindus to be ranked above the unrespectable Catholics, incidentally.
Is this a clue to try to help them understand the gods hold them in such low regard? Is this a clue to Latinos to NOT fall into the same mindset which they sold to blacks? Of course ignorant blacks think they're great. Quite the opposite it true:::The Black Panthers are part of that "upper incisor of The Beast" clue, designed for ripping and tearing flesh.
Don't be surprised if they are offering foreshadowing with this event. They may be sharing that Latinos will be very poorly represented while Hindus/Indian Muslims will take a painful hit.
Perhaps it means if Latinos don't ascend before the Apocalypse they won't be going.
I made the zoo a winter wonderland. I'd trust the relevance here.
They parked Wilma on top of the southwest part of Cozumel FOR TWO FULL DAYS for the same reason, but with far more destructive results.
Fucking indecent horse racing commericals. They disappeared but now they're back.
I kinda like the one where she smacks him after seeing the "Misty" tattoo. "Some Latinos are getting in trouble because of that." Fantasizing about how they'd beat her half to death if it were them???
Don't forget::::The gods will reincarnate sexist men as pigs. Expect they have something extra special for then men who get violent with women.
Cuban-Castro tension::::You don't want to hear what I have to say.
Either you're sell-out whores doing what you're told like other morbidly disfavored or the god's positioning has been VERY effective on you. Explanation::::
1. You are inferior to your people in the motherland. By very nature of your being in the United States this is true:::The family members with favor remained in Cuba. The gods sent each country's rejects to America then created an enviornment which preys upon them.
2. I think the gods forced Cuban communism to send a clue to the disfavored of the United States. I believe Cubans are NOT FAVORED ENOUGH TO BE COMMUNISTS and that's why the gods employed compensatory elements to make you pay for something you are not worthy of:::
a. Any culture with baseball is grossly disfavored.
b. Music is revelry. Earth is where the gods test people. Parties hurt you.
Salsa may be the absolute greatest music form on Planet Earth, and it has served not only as a distraction but an enormous source of pride, pride detrimental to a good relationship with the gods.
I have other comments about communism and its implications below. Don't forget::::The gods will reincarnate sexist men as pigs. Expect they have something extra special for then men who get violent with women.
If you lived in a communisitic state your 10 year old son wouldn't be able to see pornographic images on the internet. The government would have filters in place to protect the people from this damaging behavior.
Much like alcoholism, much like homosexuality the gods punish the people with magic.
These desires you have are going to keep you out. I recommend you begin working on your problems, for if you don't and are among those who are invited to Planet (Temptation) Manifest Destiny it will be very difficult, for life is fueled by magic up there, and if you don't think right you won't be staying for long.
Dreamcatchers. Wisdom from Native Americans.
Dreams are a bad thing. They shared this with me right before they began to increase the number of my dreams. I suspect they used this as an example that my new, vivid dreams are punishment.
I suspect the gods consider dreams bad because the alternative is an awakened experience.
Girls granted favor will receive their experience awake. Boys (and disfavored girls) will experience the gods imparting wisdom while asleep, subject to the computer making these individuals forget, as happens so frequently after dreams.
Native Americans have a problem with paternalistic superiority, among other things:::
2. Essentially eliminated from the face of the Earth
3. Warmongering tribes.
I wonder what their intent with dreamcatchers was? Was it gender non-specific??? Or was this symbol's intent specifically for the females among a disfavored peoples whose females had a problem catching their favor???
The Jews are Mediterreanean. This means they are fucked.
I don't think the Jews are the most favored of Meditereaneans. I think they just have the best religion.
Jews are HIGHLY corruptable by money. The 20th century proves this. Their role in promoting social poison in the 60s indicts them. Also I think the gods sent this clue in the movie The Ten Commandments.
Hairy is a bad sign. They say big nose is a bad sign. Both are appearance issues, perhaps can be interpreted as the look of evil upon their face.
So many Meditereanean charecteristics are clues helping people understand to avoid them, similar to the geographical clues of The Boot and the Scandanavian penis.
You need to understand that there is a price to be paid for your cooperation within the context of the god's positioning.
They instill tactics EVERYWHERE ensuring a difficult testing procedure, for the reward is great. Signing on to this lie IS a tactic, and it will ensure a percentage of people fail. "Intentional foreclosure" and telling people it is acceptable to steal are two examples of temptations which will cause your Damnation.
Of those who succeed the gods STILL require you to behave appropriately. If you fall prey to the temptations of Planet Manifest Destiny you too will ultimately perish.
Nobody is going to "lead you out". This is bullshit Book of Revelations Christianity positioning. Because this is their positioning this event WILL occur, but only among a pre-selected group, designed for theatrical purposes only.
I won't lead anyone out. This is not what I teach. You all are responsible for your own relationship with the gods, and failure to take responsibility will result in your exclusion.
The gods want to play both sides of the coin.
It is very important the gods maintain this perception of "middle management", for if people knew management was just the gods and their computer they would become very frightened considering the carnage and what it says about their plans, and this fear would help them to think correctly.
They would be on the "fast-track" to salvation.
The gods created this environment of CEOs, kings and democracy specifically to defeat this and work very hard to maintain it.
People teetering on Damnation think god is evil and believe evil is the way. This is called "segmentation"::::They don't see the importance of temptation nor the god's role or methodology in punishment::::Ironically the gods DON'T punish evil for their wickedness. These people are not wanted and the gods don't want them to receive the feedback punishment would provide.
I hope people in Enterprise, Alabama have become "god-fearing", experiencing the wrath of god firsthand. Sadly, the gods will use tactics to ensure they don't become god-fearing, telling many of them that because the tornado was because of me they "earned" and now I have to "bring them up"::::
Because the gods scapegoat me they think I owe them all. As a result this experience goes wasted.
There are other tactics the gods use, for example telling parents their dead soldiers "ascended", "were clones", etc. All are desiogned as a tactic, ensuring they do not become god-fearing.
The gods lie freely. They will say anthing in the context of temptation. If people in Enterprise understood this they would be more likely to overcome this temptation and become god-fearing. Sadly most believe what they are told and this precious opportunity will pass without effect.
Temptation is very important. "Heaven" is an exclusive place and you can't get in for free.
The gods will use their tools to create the perception of evil rewarded then corrupt the disfavored with it.
It's important that you differentiate between your own thoughts and when the computer thinks through you.
The god's computer conducts this theater. In err you do what they tell you. So does president, CEO/BOD, Italian gangsters. Sadly the gods will turn around and use this as a corruptor:::"CEO does everything he's told and he has BILLIONS!!!"
If one of these clone host tools "comes around", realizes they made a mistake and finally musters the courage to tell the gods "No." they will get that person out and put in somebody who will tell them "Yes.". The individual who told them "No." has successfully navigated temptation. Unfortunately, punishment can be a temptation via deterrent, and the gods may choose to employ this tactic to test the candidate in their next placement.
This is a constantly deteriorating enviornment. This is one reason why they waited to reincarnate so many clone hosts from the 20th century:::
1. To use the morbidly disfavored to accomplish these important goals in this century and
2. In this abjectly corrupt, godless environement few have a real chance.
They corrupted Italians with 1906 then told these Italians it was the godfather ordering them to plan WWII, kill blacks, corrupt and destroy society. Now people know better (opening the door to other types of corruption:::Evil god), but these Italians experienced an "early cut-off" and got their hands very dirty because of it, illustrating their grave disfavor.
Before WorldWarII began the gods sold many people on clone hosting, not just Italians. This would represent a "cut-off" for the non-Italians sold on "earning" and initiated into clone hosting, for clone hosting gives the gods the freedom to place at their discretion. Many non-Italians were placed into these Italian bodies to continue the destruction of society in the 20th century, for the gods couldn't justify their involvement within the context of Manifest Destiny positioning otrherwise, Manifest Destiny being the New Roman Empire.
There is a big difference when clone hosts are evil, people who are placed into bodies by god, and when real people engage in evil. Of course the gods can minimize this culpability they accept by gaining consent prior to placement.
The gods use these preditor clone hosts tools to manage their justification and culpability::::
These aren't even real people. They abandoned their bodies, losing their identies in the process, a consequence of succumbing to this temptation.
They're just entities, brains "floating" around out there until the gods chose to place them into a body. They are sub-human, second-class citizens, inferior individuals, and should be beneath ALL reals.
These families were sold on clone hosting and got out prior to World War II. Their grandfathers and family who entered clone hosting were reals. But abandoning their bodies for this temptation carries consequences, and the loss of identity is one.
When these clone hosts have children they are not real people. As such they won't ever ascend because there was nobody associated with these bodies. There was a first placement, someone who may have been a primary (time) placement, but this is not relevant. A series of individuals were routed through that body, and after a few placements even they forget where they were, god's clue to these individuals that "earning" is a lie, since they can't remember where they were placed.
People who agree to abandon their bodies and become evil continue to incurr not only from their direct actions as clone hosts but also from the evil their original body (blood line) inflicts onothers. This is a matter of preparation, for if they sell them on "earning" before they depart the gods are justified in using these original bodies in the context of evil, ensuring they pay twice, ironically.
There is a difference between these clone hosts, so many of which abandoned their bodies in the 30s out of desperation (women) or thinking they were "earning" (men), and when the gods take liberties upon the disfavored, not placing a brain in a child until later for stategic purpose. This served as an intense corruptor for those disfavored people. The frequency is higher among the most disfavored among us (Italian, Irish, black, Latino, etc) than people that are not nearly as disfavored.
Think of it in terms of the Black War I::::The gods developed these bodies without brains specifically because they had preditory Italian trash from the mid 20th century whom they wanted to employ poetic justice upon. Becasuse of the indecency of the blacks involved the gods felt taking the liberty was justified. The result was the child that never was.
The gods get their clone host tools into place and tell them what to do, just like all you, in err. But these are not real people and their mistakes don't matter as much. They're not staying for long anyways.
Clone hosts aren't even real people. They abandoned their bodies, losing their identity in the process, a consequence of succumbing to this temptation.
They're just entities, brains "floating" around out there until the gods chose to place them into a body. They are sub-human, second-class citizens, inferior individuals, and should be beneath ALL reals.
There is a difference between these clone hosts, so many of which abandoned their bodies in the 30s out of desperation (women) or thinking they were "earning" (men), and when the gods take liberties upon the disfavored, not placing a brain in a child until later for stategic purpose. This served as an intense corruptor for those disfavored people. The frequency is higher among the most disfavored among us (Italian, Irish, black, Latino, etc) than people that are not nearly as disfavored.
Think of it in terms of the Black War I::::The gods developed these bodies without brains specifically because they had preditory Italian trash from the mid 20th century whom they wanted to employ poetic justice upon. Becasuse of the indecency of the blacks involved the gods felt taking the liberty was justified. The result was the child that never was.
Don't let them role play this Manifest Destiny theater to you anymore. Just as the Italians who planned WorldWarII thought they were telepathically taking orders from the "godfather", so do the CEOs, kings/presidents and society's elite do as their told and "take orders".
Artificial Intelligence orchestrates this entire environment.
I personally believe the gods should not be utilize clone hosting. I think they should employ temptation exclusively. Example:::::When people incurr sufficient evil, typically males in their early 20s, they die. There would be young men dropping dead everywhere. In addition this could serve as an effective clue to the others, reminding them to be good.
AIDS changed Africa. We will never see AIDS among blacks in the United States because of it.
We'll never see this. The gods would never allow such an obvious clue to be sent. WHEN the gods DID employ this tactic expect they beemed the brain OUT, kind of a "reverse clone hosting". A clue may be when a normally "active" individual falls into a quiet pattern.
How often do they use this as opposed to "variability", ie clone hosting someone good in the body to justify??? "There's a lot of Italians who are no longer with us." That often.
The gods computer conducts this theater. In err you all do what they tell you. So does president, CEO/BOD, Italian gangsters.
They corrupted Italians with 1906 then told these Italians it was the godfather ordering them to plan WWII, kill blacks, cvorrupt and destroy society. Now people know better (opening the door to other types of corruption), but these Italians experienced an "early cut-off" and got their hands very dirty because of it, illustrating their grave disfavor.
Before WorldWarII began the gods sold many people on clone hosting, not just Italians. This would represent a "cut-off" for the non-Italians sold on "earning" and initiated into clone hosting, for now the gods had the freedom to place at their discretion. Many non-Italians were placed into these Italian bodies to continue the destruction of society in the 20th century, for the gods couldn't justify their involvement within the context of Manifest Destiny positioning otrherwise.
The gods will create the perception of evil rewarded by managing good and evil within their clone host tools then corrupt the disfavored with it.
The following is an OUTSTANDING example of reverse positioning::::::
The gods used this “Manifest Destiny” positioning to create a new reality, minimizing the good things about the old world and emphisizing the bad things. Wine is one such an example.
Wine is positioned to be a blessing from the gods, a fruitful bounty as a reward to a favored people. The reality is quite the opposite.
The Mediterreanean region is grossly disfavored:::This IS the region targeted by the gods for the Noah’s Flood event (Straight of Gibralter broke through inundating the basin and killing untold millions).
There was a time, not so long ago, when no self-respecting woman would EVER take a drink. Alcohol is a masculinizer, a tool used to abuse the disfavored, and cultures which fuck you for affecting my writing CHEATER. This is MY TIME PIGS PIGS PIGS PIGS PIGS!!!
cultures which include women in the revelry are grossly disfavored.
The way the gods changed and maintain this environment suggests they want people pacified, comfortable with this system, perpetually thinking wrong.
What they don't know won't hurt them.
This is why they worked so hard to defeat this event. If people were to come around, realize they've been corrupted and began to behave appropriately this would defeat all their work over the last century and more. With Artificial Intelligence they could maintain control, affect my delivery, utilize other tactics, ensuring they could dispatch the majority of the audience.
If you behaved appropriately you would realize more sucess than you do::::
There are churches and places of worship everywhere for good reason::::The gods hae expectations of the people.
The disfavored of California are always inflicted with abuse first:::
1. Casual sex of the hippie "free love" movement.
2. Methenfetamine scourge in California started roughly in early 80s. It took another 15 years for it to spread to middle America.
3. They've always drawn disfavored whom they dumped into homosexuality to California, but now homosexuality has become "popular" in the heartland.
4. Pornography
5. Hells Angels
6. "Intentional foreclosure"::::::Those in Iraq aren't the only considered "acceptable losses" during the Bush administration:::This irresponsible behavior will necessarily cost them their chance to go
- Hollywood
- music
- television
- open immigration, inflicting the scourge of Ameican bastardization upon purebloods.
- gay rights/gay acceptance
- "sexual freedom"
- Black Panthers
- Gangster rap
- "Medical marijuana"
- Education
A clue education is (highly deceptive) reverse positioning:::California's superior higher education system, encompassing dozens of PUBLIC universities able to accomodate willing residents.
Ecducation is an "open door" allowing the gods to abuse the disfavored in many ways::::
1. The godlessness that follows education, ironically.
2. The inaccuracy and irrelevancy of the material being learned.
3. The great wealth that is charecterisitc of a highly educated population.
Now that godlessness (and other goals) have been achieved using this platform that is California they have "let it go" and now California ranks among the worst in the nation.
Like aging, sleep is behavior forced upon us.
News story on sleep research, a good example of how education is preditory, deceptive.
People aren't fresher or sharper because of good sleep. The gods control all this.
Actually, they've mentioned that people with favor don't have to sleep and, like aging, sleep is behavior forced upon us.
This is today's research. Expect this applies to early research as well.
Incidentally, the gods create male superiority in the fields of computers, science and math for preditory reason.
I know this sucks but it is true. You all recognize the "big lie" that is Sigmund Freud's psychoananysis. Let that issue be your launching pad into the exploration of this topic.
"(Blah)." The gods created some ugly incidents to justify California's 1987 legislation outlawing corporal punishment, just as they forced poor matches to justify the elimination of matchmaking. And now instead of being matched at age 14 your daughter loses her virginity behind the bleachers at age 12.
The deterioration of quality of life has progressed into indecency, allowing the gods to soon justify ending on Planet Earth.
Back in the 80s they used their tools within society to ridicule away corporal punishment of children.
Corporal punishment is a very important learning expereince for children because it instills the understanding of fear at a very tender age. These experiences can help these individuals think correctly, make good decisions and have a good relationship with the gods.
Without fear people think they are friends, partners, earning with each act of evil. They don't view the gods or their relationship with them appropriately.
They manufactured ugly examples, disfavored children were killed and the gods used these examples in conjunction with their tools within society to eliminate this benefit to the people. It is yet another example of how they break down beneficial institutions within society, a "leveling the playing field" event, important to justify their inevitable behavior come Judgement Day.
California ruling against homeschooling, 3.14.08.
Here we go again.
This is an environment that minimzes the value of the role of women, excludes them and makes them feel as if they don't belong.
Very much like the gods have done for children.
This is an enviornment that forces women to accept this exclusionary enviornment. However there IS an alternative::::Assimilate through a process of masculinization.
The gods instruct AI to make the girls experience this in hope they feel uncomfortable and seek more. Unfortunately the legacy of corruption is firmly in place and too many of those cast into damnation won't be returning.
Women who are "tough" have been masculinized and their chances have been seriously degredated because of it. The gods sought to increase these numbers and used their media to promote this type of charecter, a pathology which was subsequently forced upon people with Artificial Intelligence. They are doing it again, perhaps in preparation for the next revelry cycle right around the corner, with all this high-profile tabloid celebrity "bad girl" behavior.
Male children should be chastized VERY HARD for engaging their sisters or ANY member of the opposite sex, either verbally or physically.
Children are discounted in society. This is nothing new, for adults have always minimized the wisdom of children due to Earthly norms.
The gods corrupt the people as they age, use trust-building tactics and soon these adults view the children as ignorant, yet to understand the god's system. Quite the opposite it true ironically:::
The wisdom the gods impart to children, either through their personalities or (religious-based) educational pursuits, are the gods sharing the truth with their most favored people.
Another clue suggesting the superiority of children::::
1. Children won't have anything to do with these kind of people, be it televangelists, (most) preachers or priests.
2. Baseball bores kids to death.
3. TV sports are tiresome to children.
All these things are evil. The religious men represent Earthly religions, and there is something wrong with all of them. This certainly applies to Christianity, due to the preditory nature of this religion.
I would ALWAYS defer to the children. I would ALWAYS trust the children's behavior in these regards, for their innocence reflects the image of the gods.
News story on sleep research, a good example of how education is preditory, deceptive.
People aren't fresher or sharper because of good sleep. The gods control all this.
Actually, they've mentioned that people with favor don't have to sleep and, like aging, sleep is behavior forced upon us.
This is today's research. Expect this applies to early research as well.
Incidentally, the gods create male superiority in the fields of computers, science and math for preditory reason.
Education has costed more children their chance to go as a child of the gods, pure of heart and body, because it preoccupied their time:::::Between school, activities and TV/videogames/leisure the children are consumed and not receptive to god's calling.
People need to understand the 20th century changes are new. Life remained essentially unchanged for a very long time.
I realize they are making promises to most of you about Planet Manifest Destiny, telling you everyone will go. This is not true. It is a tactic. Many/most of you may go, but if you don’t behave appropriately I believe the majority will begin dropping like flies in a couple hundred years.
Planet Manifest Destiny is a “magic”-fueled environment:::The food is better, the sex is better, life is “enhanced” with magic.
The gods only use their power to hurt you:::If they peaked you euphorically for homosexuality you’d be out sodomizing each other. If they peaked you for drugs you’d be an alcoholic or a junkie.
“Magic” is only used to hurt you, and these "magic"-fueled experiences on Planet Manifest Destiny will be no different.
Too many whites look at blacks and write them off:::”They’re fucked.”, “They’re finished.”, “Who cares, fuck them.”. There is much you can learn from observing how the gods deal with morbidly disfavored groups like this. For example:::The gods LOVE to sell blacks on sex. Black popular culture, within their social groups, etc, sex is pushed like a drug. THIS IS A CLUE TO THE DISFAVORED THAT SEX IS BAD FOR YOU, as is everything the gods “sell” to the black community in popular culture (fashion, jewelry, “cool”, individuality, etc).
THE GODS DON’T RESPECT SEX AND THEREFORE INFLICT HYPERSEXUALITY UPON THE MOST MORBIDLY DISFAVORED, Italians and blacks. Food is similar. I’d refer you to the nature of Jewish food. The gods enhanced temptation with the diversification of foodstuffs in the 20th century. There are many elements at work here besides sex and food.
If you don’t understand these temptations, if you aren’t thinking correctly when you arrive on Planet Manifest Destiny you will succumb to this temptation-ridden environment and you too will be gone in a couple hundred years. Example::::Men with drinking problems are peaked euphorically for alcohol. If they don't understand this dynamic of their disfavor, if they're not working on fixing their problems once they experience life up there they will experience this enviornment and never have a real chance again, for the objects of their disfavor (sex, food, alcohol) are far better than what the gods offer on Earth AND enhanced with "magic".
Planet Manifest Destiny is not the goal, as so many of you believe. It is distraction, temptation, punishment, tactic, one that is going to ensure over 95% of candidates fail.
The gods taught you that temptation would be used to test you. You need to understand good from evil, right from wrong, decent from the indecent. If so you’d recognize the indecency and destructive nature of “magic”.
The reality you don't see.wav:::You need to address your disfavor and the "magic" they punish you with or you'll never get off Planet Manifest Destiny.
If god tells you to stop going to church you should be very afraid. This means you have fallen into great disfavor and you are no longer welcome.
Keep going to church. Children need the moral compass this education gives them.
Don't forget:::Europe is shaped like a sheep, symbolic for slaughter.
There is great unrespectability among the Europeans. The concept of "savior" within Christianity is likley just a symptom.
Good food is much like good music to a culture:::Distraction and revelry, a way to minimize the number of people who ascend.
This is nicely reflected in traditional Jewish foods.
Another example Italians are grossly disfavored are their foodstuffs::::
Tomatos are highly acidic and provides an "open door" for the gods to inflict upon those whom they so chose. Pasta is very starchy and fattening.
Italian food creates fat people with stomach problems. Expect Etruscan strongholds (Rome) to be those whom traditionally maintained this type of diet.
They gods smoothly translated this food into the American culinary landscape, for they have inflicted all the worst disfavored pureblood motherlands have to offer on the land of the disfavored mongrol reject castoffs (rot-gut food,.Celtic "holiday" of Halloween, etc).
Individuality is a scourge upon the people, an advent seen in recent decades, popularized when the gods implimented their greatest offensive on the disfavored:::::::::The 1960s.
It may be the worst offensive ever employed on the disfavored, for this platform in the SanFranciscoBayArea spread this cancer globally, a "leveling of the playing field" event which further the gods efforts to justify ending on Planet Earth.
Asians are the most favored race of people on Planet Earth::::Their wonderfully rich cultures helped the people understand and pursue lives highly respected by the gods. Conformity is a big theme among Asian cultures.
English Monarchy.
The best thing that could have happened for England would have been if the thrown wielded its power and violently struck down groups that got out of line, punks for example. It would have served as a wonderufl example to the others, and the net result from succeeding thrones behaving in this manner would be a higher ascention rate than what was realized.
This is what Saddam Hussein did. He dealt with "acceptable losses" and kept the peace. Disfavoreds who witnessed this behavior would become afraid, crucial to a good relationship with the gods.
And that's why they used the United States to eliminate this benefit to the disfavored. And no, as citizens of the United States you didn't "earn" off this event. Quite the opposite in fact.
Many monarchies of centuries ago ruled with an iron fist. People were afraid and hence thought appropriately. This fear was conducive to a good relationship with the gods because it helped people make good decisions.
Now in this era of "freedom" in the United States there is NO FEAR, proudly displayed on the back of people's vehicles, and people fall prey to the numberous tactics employed to disceive and mislead them.
This "freedom" is the goal when the gods use this platform that is the United States to spread democracy around the globe, similar to how they use California as a platform to spread social and other poisons domestically (pornography, Hells Angels, etc.).
The gods are the king with the iron fist in the sky.
"Some people think they're earning off illegal immigration." To be preditory at this level of knowledge will get them hurt. Bad::::Such as we witnessed in the 60s, for many of those participants knew the truth and understood this decade represented a MAJOR deterioration of society.
It's another of the god's Big Lies:::Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis, democracy, Christianity.
The social degredation since the 60s is a clue liberalism is a cancer designed to continue the destruction of the disfavored's quality of life.
There were a few issues which arose that were positives (don't need a man (sex hurts you), vegitarianism) but the French's "Age of Enlightenment" illustrates environmental appreciation is not new. In the aftermath of the counter-cultural social degredation the gods subsequently fractured this issue by creating damaging movements within the context of enviornmentalism.
Beware the promoters of indecency and/or obsenity. This is clue, a warning to the people.
"The Boot" has fucked you twice:::They ruined the quality of life of Planet Earth, ensuring your damnation because of your newly-inflicted indecency, and the god's role playing of the New Roman Empire's Manifest Destiny positioning has costed you the Final Prophet.
Inflation is artificial. The gods control pricing and valuation of securities::::Much as we witness with the crash of the dollar so could we witness this behavior within other dynamics of the economy, paving the way for justification.
The economic abandonment by their clone host tools is a very real possibility. The gods can easily "reassign" them, placing them into the economy which they played a part in destroying, ironically.
Consistant with their methodology the gods will bring it all to a head simultaneously. We very well may witness this possible Chinese invasion in the aftermath.
"Instant gratification" is a tactic the gods instilled about 25 years ago. Now they use it, ensuring a certain percentage of disfavored don't have the patience necessary to pursue the path, fix their problems and instead give up, continuing with their corrupted behavior.
There are so many clues the gods favor females over males:::
- Girls kind, considerate. Boys celebrate violence.
- Males sent off to die in war
- Males locked up in prisons
- Males inflicted with addiction and alcoholism (prior to masculinization of women)
- Males (and blacks) celebrate "cool" and sex; similarities a clue which demands attention
- Males sold on empowering elements, such as guns, horsepower, strength issues, hurting their ability to have a good relationship with the gods.
- Males are indecent while the females are the promoters of decency
- Females are better people than males
Historically the role of females was as enforcers of decency. Men have god's disfavor and enagage in behavior damaging to themselves and their families. Women who adhered to this crucial role helped the men understand and avoid inappropriate behavior while enhancing decency in their domestic environment. These women understand they sacrifice to help the disfavored:::They are like Jews, scattered throughout Europe to help the misled Christians.
Many disfavored groups embrace "paternalistic superiority", believing the men are "entitled"::::;If Italian women tried to enforce decency the men beat and raped them.
The gods subsequently used this Italian charecterisitic to corrupt other morbidly disfavored groups, legitimizing this and other associated behavior.
What the gods tell you directly is the lie:::You must inferr the truth from the subtle clues they offer. Due to their favor the gods will bestow wisdom upon the females. My advice is listen intently, because the gods will offer wisdom to you through your women.
Alcohol has always been a way of hurting the men, making them less than decent.
Women traditionally have been the enforcers of decency within the family unit and used their motivation to help men behave appropriately; due to their disfavor men's indecency has negatively impacted not only the family but the community as well.
Cultures which offer wine have women who consume wine, and the result is an indecent society. Combine this with Italian male's demand for sexual without the consideration of decency and you have masculinized women defining a morbidly disfavored society.
Anyone involved in the wine industry has no empathy for either the disfavored of the Mediterreanean basin or women, disregarding the superior gender. If they understand this as the goal and are sold on "earning" they will be punished very harshly.
Any tactic/temptation that is targetted to males is particularly preditory.
This entire society is geared towards males for a reason::Because the gods hold the males in disfavor and want them distracted by all the trappings this society has to offer, ensuring they fail.
Girl's toys (dolls) are constructive, foster a nurturing and caregiving dynamic which helps them remain uncorrupted. When pre-pubescent girls are subject to distraction they fall prey to male temptations (early sexualization a clue they are not welcome). Stories, romance novels, tabloids all target women, not girls.
There are far fewer distractions targetted to girls because the gods favor females and want more to suceed, fix their problems with the gods and ascend off Planet Earth.
The distractions/temptations inflicted on males are endless:::
1. Weight training. Strength is exploited by the computer and hurts males ability to have a good relationship with the gods. They offer this activity in every prison system for a reason.
2. Gun ownership. Allows the gods to promote a sense of empowerment and control, destructive to a good relationship with the gods
3. Muscle cars. This movement began when it did for a reason:::It coincided with the MORBID SOCIAL DEGREDATION of the 60s and allowed the gods to inflict damage to a large number of demographics, even those sheltered in the heartland of america. We have other examples like this as well (racing, ).
Males are the disfavored gender. Their sexual drive is punishment. It is artificial, just as the drive for homosexual contact or alcohol. The gods can use this tactic among males whom they don't like.
Clinton was different. Clinton was a hound. It may be intentional, preditory behavior designed to pave the way for the impeachment event during the crucial years leading up to 2000::::Something for everybody.
All things held equal if he was a real he'd be coming back as a pig. "He still may." Which one? During his hound years there were DOZENS!!! "We're not admitting that." Of course you're not.
Of course pig doesn't take much time to mature, giving the gods great freedom. Incidentally, this is one of the things that historically has made them so appealing to people AND A CLUE ILLUSTRATING THEIR CONSUMPTION AS TEMPTATION.
Pork is temptation, and the gods made it a very appealing proposition.
Kosher is not religious. It is practical dietary law bestowed.
"Intentional foreclosure":::::
Everything happens for a reason.
The gods LOVE justification. They want it in place to ensure their will is justified.
Intentional foreclosure MAY SUPPORT MY THEORY OF AN IMPENDING APOCALYPSE, for this intentional "preditation" upon corporate America via relinquishing of obligation is sufficient grounds for abandonment by Manifest Destiny come Judgement Day. Convieniently, the real estate market in California made the disfavored here "ground zero" for this exclusionarly event.
Expect other similar strategies to be employed throughout the marketplace::::"Would YOU buy that (returned) couch?"
Of couse when the gods hurt the disfavored there is "help" associated with the "back-hand", and using their tools to ruin my credibility ensured people wouldn’t be receptive and the gods wouldn't have to position a Manifest Destiny response. This allows the gods to string the disfavored along for years as well.
I believe they wanted to wait until 2006, when this thing really got going and the gods opened up to me, to contrast it with the 1906 event.
People get confused because the gods have successfully buried this Italian Manifest Destiny positioning. Now people think that era is over. In many cases they understand they're addressing the trillions-years-old computer, yet discount the god's positioning of Manifest Destiny.
Chinese piracy of movies and software ocurrs to justify their disposal come Judgement Day. This can be taken as a clue proving Manifest Destiny positioning. There are lots of examples like this throughout the world.
Just like Sigmund Freud's psychoananlysis, just like Christianity, Manifest Destiny is positioning that the gods intend to enforce. As a result the gods are able to hide behind this positioning and maintain the lie that is the "absentee Christian god" when it is them in fact doing it to you with their (clone host) tools in place.
They share that people don't believe this, people don't give it credibility now.
The bio-technology product AIDS was given to both those who died and survivors. The gods not only control who is affected but they can also can create it without that justification that is the actual bio-technology product, but as I said the god's offensives fuck everyone involved and this is a good example, for clients, employees, recipients and investors all will be punished for their evil.
Bio-technology is a good example of how the god's offensives fuck everyone involved::::The proprietor dishing out the bio-technology product to the employee, the receiver who's health is destroyed, the bio-technology employees who create the evil and the investors who capitalize off the phenominal returns. Because retirement plans are able to bury their many losers, many contrived to force the issue upon pension plans, these investments became very popular. Similarly, earlier in the 20th century the gods tested proprietors by creating problems where a bio-technology product's response was a legitimate temptation.
Republican's deficit spending illustrates they are preditory on the next generation, preditory on children. And to say the Republicans deem the children as "acceptable losses" says something morbid.
The environment in the 80s was one where the gods sucessfully used society to pit women against each other. Much of the music scene of the 80s was targetted to the women, contrasted to the male-dominated 70s music scene.
Consistant with the gods "20 year difference", where the most disfavored pay approximately 20 years before the less disfavored (gay male explosition 1970s vs. lesbian explosion 1990s, gay AIDS vs. African AIDS, end of revelry cycle movies, Soviet communism vs. Cuban/Chinese communism to come) so was the 1987 California legislation against corporal punishment a predicessor to what has ocurred this decade:::The revocation of female's "fear benefit"::::The gods granted girls an experience helping them to understand fear, showing them the right way to think.
To have such incidents associated with Republican administrations supports the claim that they find suceeding generations of females to be "acceptable losses" as well.
The Republicans are the party that make great progress towards the Apocalypse.
The females are those among us with favor, and as they become masculinized we experience a "leveling of the playing field", ultimately allowing the gods to justify ending on Planet Earth.
They said HW was a "traitor", evident with the airplane incident during WorldWarII. As we witnessed repeatedly in the 20th century, these incidents ocurr to establish a legacy and pave the way for a far more significant events in the future::::
If true this legacy would recurr in W's administration::::
Rebate checks on the way into and out of office are both bad signs.
Signing on to Iraq to eliminate Saddam and 4,000 Americans is another clue.
Don't be surprised if they have him sabotage some things on his way out, and since McCain is good it will (has) happen(ed) one way or the other::::
The whole economy issue came out of nowhere in February 2008. Consistant with the god's methodology, expect justification was utilized::::::
Of course the crashing dollar of the last few years has comeplled OPEC to value oil with the Euro instead of the dollar.
Don't forget:::The Reagan administration was charecterized with banking scandal too:::"Intentional foreclosure" constitutes justification sufficient for their exclusion::::
I realize this problem isn't just a California issue, but the "upside down" status of home owners makes California special, makes "intentional foreclosure" far more attractive to the morbidly disfavored, victims of the "platform" which was used to promote social poison in the 20th century.
Sounding like a goddamn blooming idiot when he speaks is a clue unlike any others. When Reagan spoke it sounded as if he "fuddled", a clue not to trust him.
"They're going to pay for 2004." Redneck states. And oh how they will pay:::
Recently they have stated that the Chinese are holding US paper. Some patriot W is, selling US debt to communists. Perhaps the invasion mentioned below will be a way to "redeem" these bonds after they've fallen into default.
Earlier they illustrated that there is a higher ocurrance of 1998 victims in the South, using the Clinton figure to prey on his own kind.
Perhaps part of the family legacy.
Considering the scripted real estate collapse in California, the "upside down" position and subsequent explositon in "intentional foreclosure", do the gods sell these rednecks on "eye for an eye" to some individuals, useful in building their confidence and ensuring absolute compliance, among other things?
Anytime the gods employ an offensive it fucks everyone involved:::If the early 20th century Clintons knew this was how the gods were going to use their clone hosts they are going to die for it.
Life is very much like you learned when you were a child::::The gods will punish evil for their wickedness. Temptation is used to test you, and these people failed.
When the gods hurt people who tell them "No." it can be interpreted as a good sign, much as feedback normally is. Sadly, as the threat can be considered a deterent to proper behavior then so can avoidance of the actual punishment be considered temptation.
The gods won't punish rejection from the innocent. People have to become corrupted and engage in evil before the gods will wield their justice. But this punishment is feedback levied upon good people who do the wrong thing, not upon the undesirable evil. People who think correctly and are genuinely god-fearing are more likely to envoke god's mercy.
Among "reals" I don't expect the percentage to be as high as those who crossed the line from person to preditor, despite those ranks being filled with these "undesirables". I think the gods may want most if not all to pay if and when they finally "come around" and begin to behave appropriately. Understand this is not all-inclusive, for many of these tools remain in this state of corruption until the day the gods adjudicate their case (death, reincarnation a lesser life form, etc).
Unfortunately, the god's policy further reinforces evil behavior, for they are rarely if ever punished for their wickedness. Good people on the other hand are punished BECAUSE they are wanted and the gods are giving them feedback in hope they canlearn and begin to behave decent. Expect these events are made very visible, serving as a FABULOUS corruptor.
Consistant with this policy of not punishing evil because they are undesirable, the Chinese will be inflicted with Westernization immediately, while the socio-economically mature Japanese have retained a significant level of their culture. As reflected in "Benchmarks.wav", this will contribute to deterioration sufficient for the gods to utilize justification, allowing them to end on Planet Earth.
Another benchmark could be the age when they corrupt children. Granted this differs, but the mean (and median) are VERY important numbers, and when you graph them you will see a constant deterioration.
The gods manufacture "open doors" to justify creating problems in the lives of people who engage in behavior they shouldn't. Some of these "open doors" apply to all (a supermajority) of the people::::
- Democracy is used to create pathologies of empowerment and control.
- Materialism/greed generate problems with money, glorify overconsumption, etc.
Other "open doors" are specific to each individual::::People shouldn't be watching movies, TV, listening to music. When this ocurrs the gods use themes and topics presented therein and instruct Artificial Intelligence to create pathologies.
If you are particularly intelligent, strong or very good at an (competitive) activity they will instruct Artificial Intelligence to create an overconfidence that will hurt you.
Differentiate between your thoughts and when they push thoughts with the computer. Recognize when they are employing "magic":::Peaked euphoria is the fuel of dysfunction and can help you identify these "open doors" in your life.
Abandon your preoccupations and make this the only thing that matters in your life, for all other things in society are lies designed as temptation.
Focus on purity:::::Be pure of mind and body. Recognize the open doors in the media and how they are used to introduce impure thoughts and refrain.
The Amish in Pennsylvania are like the Jews were in Europe for centuries:::A clue to the disfavored who have been misled and are going the wrong way.
Your virginity may have bought you tens of thousands of years up there. My adivce to those who have made their mistake it:::STOP THE BLEEDING NOW!!!
Everybody can tell when they're being peaked euphorically, for it is quite easy to identify.
As young people get older and continue to make mistakes the gods apply personality-forming charecteristics, and people fail to differentiate between their own thoughts and when the gods are thinking through them. As a result they become abusive, abrasive, demonic, any number of negative personality characterisitcs, and then lie to them, tell them they're "earning".
This is designed to keep people going in the wrong direction for a lengthy period of time.
My adivce is look to the long term goal of fixing your problems and differentiating between your thoughts and when they're thinking through you but begin by addressing this issue of "peaked euphoria" right now.
This is a battle of good and evil:::I am good. The gods are evil.
Of course they'd look at is as they are good and WE are evil, corrupted and betraying our precious children.
They created the perception of "boss"/savior to keep people from the real purpose of this Siutation:::The Final Prophet.
They wanted me to willingly participate in this theater, and praying for my ability they whimsically repress with Artificial Intelligence would contribute to the concept of a good, absentee Christian god which they would use to corrupt the disfavored.
People think wrong and their behavior compells them to incurr evil because of it. You need to learn what I teach and impliment these changes into your lives.
In this deteriorating, godless enviornment testing people with temptation compelled people to "think wrong", corrupted by telepathic positioning and the wicked enviornment that exists today.
This is a battle of good and evil:::I am good and the gods are evil.
The gods view this quite the opposite::I am the evil one trying to help corrupt, godless sinners who fell for temptation wholesale, people who seek "something for nothing", a free ride. This is an insult to the gods which will be punished.
Look at it as if it is a ladder, for this is a sufficient analogy::
On the lowest rung is the corrupt souls who find violence acceptable (ALL MALES:::black, latino, Hells Angels, etc). A few rungs up the ladder are all the people who will be saved in the year of the Apocalypse (not all will be saved on the actual Judgement Day).
Every rung above this point represents people on planets other than Earth.
You people don’t even think right. If you don’t make these corrections you will die. They don’t want you, they lie to you to compell you to think/desire violence and they consider it temptation/not accepting blame, ensuring no culpability.
Read on. You need to read what I say, for understanding is your only hope. And if you know any “cholos” you should pass this on to them if you care anything for them.
Churches and places of worship exist in every town FOR GOOD REASON::::THE GODS HAVE EXPECTATIONS!!! They DEMAND PROPER BEHAVIOR from the people. I recommend you examine this clue and give consideration to what expectations the gods have of the people.
I tell people to go back to church, even if the Catholic Church, because their children need that religious education.
They say some people are getting flashes, becoming concerned, beginning to give credibility to what I say. Do be surprised if these are people who experienced Bible study, went to CCD, had that religious education.
god-less people who never received this education laugh at me, typically will remain corrupted throughout their lives and are likely to end up The Damned.
Don't be a statistic.
Churches and places of worship exist in every town FOR GOOD REASON::::THE GODS HAVE EXPECTATIONS!!! They DEMAND PROPER BEHAVIOR from the people. I recommend you examine this clue and give consideration to what expectations the gods have of the people.
1. I'm sorry for what I've done wrong.
2. I don't want to make any more mistakes.
3. I want to fix my problems.
4. Please don't hurt me.
Because of their innocence, because of their purity children are god's favored people. What children learn (must be good if you want to go to heaven) is the truth. What you learned as children was the gods imparting wisdom to you, quite the opposite of what corrupt adults believe.
This is a tactic because many adults will continue to ridicule this idea, unable to believe the children would be graced with god's wisdom, especially while they are being told just the opposite and being corrupted into Damnation.
Much like the tactic of instilling "instant gratification" in society so was the discounting of children an effective tactic.
Consistant with this preference for innocence and purity, you don't want to continue reading. You want to learn JUST ENOUGH to understand you're corrupted, then you want to get out and do the work all for yourself and try to re-earn god's respect.
Religions teach that old people to go to heaven. They don't. Old people are reincarnated. Children go to heaven.
Children who go up before puberty are candidates to remain the most superior of all life forms::The asexual. Expect these people to experience subsequent temptations once they arrive to further shrink the pool of candidates. Another example males are inferior to females:::Expect circumcision to play a part in this elimination round.
I think these are the TRUE candidates for immortality. This is not to say there won't be sexualized people who make it, but those who do likely practice minimally and monogamously in the context of marriage, and that would exclude most if not all from modern society.
The sexualization of children is yet another example proving the gods are preditory on children::::It eliminates these individuals from contention immediately.
Just as we have a cutoff between the sexual and the non-sexual I expect we have another cutoff between the war-mongering and the peace-loving which excludes the participating groups from ascention past a certain level::::
1. Romans
2. Scandanavians
3. Japanese
4. Pawnee
5. THE UNITED STATES!!!! - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq.
Ever since the early 50s US citizens have officially become monsters and justifiably grouped with the others listed above.
WHEN THEY TAKE CHILDREN THEY HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME "GOD-LIKE", for ASEXUALITY IS SUPERIOR. This is the optimal ascention senario and represents the highest life form possible.
2.wav::::Immortality. The very first sound file AND the point where my audience should have extracted from this theater.
You need to start THINKING about this instead of blindly trusting what they tell you:::The gods lie FREELY, call it “temptation”.
The first steps towards repairing your relationship with the gods is to:::::::::
1. Understand they instruct the computer to "role play" in an attempt to confuse you:::it's ALWAYS the computer addressing you. Their goal is to cost you additional YEARS of your life by using this tactic to confuse you. Always be aware of this tactic and eventually they will give up and allow this step to be taken.
2. Differentiate between your thoughts and when they are thinking through you.
3. Be resigned to be a good person who will never engage in evil again even if ordered and they will stop trying to corrupt you, allowing this very big step to be taken.
4. Decide that you are going to follow the path, fix your relationship with the gods be devoted to your new life.
Even if you go up you are not saved. YOU have to fix YOUR problems with the gods. They won't respect it otherwise.
You have to take responsibility for your relationship with the gods.
You all have to save yourselves. I can only teach you, but you have to be receptive.
Remember:::Jesus went up alone. He didn't even save 12 of his closest friends, for they have to save themselves, just like you all will have to.
Begin to live decent and respectable lives. The media is a poison-delivery system. Stop consuming it. Even the most begnign children's programming has sinister strategic purpose as distraction.
If you are engaging in inappropraite sexual behavior you need to stop. Every act may be costing you time up there.
You need to understand the subtle, inferred way the gods communicate to people and begin to trust it.
Find a new reality, absent of the temptations in society we believe to be cultural offerings. Don't forget:::African female genitile mutilation is cultural. Mayan human sacrifice was cultural. Remembering items like this will help you think clearly.
You people aren't god-fearing anymore. You think you're partners. Everything they've promised was always a lie. Officially it is classified as temptation. They offered this clue in the Bible:::There is no freewill.
If you are afraid, if you are fearful it is a good thing. You are thinking right, and far too many will never get to this point.
Try to take this fear with you everywhere you go, for it will help you think correctly and make good decisions.
You need to understand the subtle, inferred way the gods communicate to people and begin to trust it.
The gods used Christianity to create the percetption of a loving, forgiving god. Anything but is true.
The gods offer positive clues to people in a subtle, inferred manner::::
1. Women are indifferent towards sex as a clue to stay away from damaging behavior. Women who have sexual impulses do because of hypersexual behavior in their youth or indicitive of their failure to ascend:::They have been masculinized. Because they are the gender with favor this asexual tactic is recurring, designed to protect them from destructive behavior.
2. Deep down every child knows why the gods like girls better. They see it every day on the playground:::The girls are kind, considerate and thoughtful while the boys are engaging in roughhouse and intentionally hurting each other.
If you can recognize these subtle ways the gods communicate positive things then you may pick up on the other clues and ultimately will ignore their overt negative temptations.
There are all kinds of reverse positioning clues in regards to favor in this morbidly disfavored age:::Late bloomers have god's favor and are therefore given more time to fix their probelms and get out before puberty. People with infertility problems would be wise to look at themselves in this same light. I'd remind you Italians both bloom early AND had a reputation for breeding like rabbits (blacks bred like rabbits too, but it was to CHEAT the welfare system, yet another thing the gods are punishing them for).
Similarly, women without marriage prospects are receiving extra time as well. If they were to get married later in life the gods would just tell some man, who likely thought he was earning, that he could get divorced in a couple of years anyways.
You don't want this. You would be wise to put that time to good use, fix your problems and get off Planet Earth.
DON'T WAIT FOR THE GODS TO ALLOW YOU TO PRAY. They gods AREN'T GOING to give you permission. THIS IS A TACTIC!!! You have made so many mistakes they no longer want you and won't approve if you ask.
MY ADVICE TO YOU ALL is:::Begin to think correctly. People aren't god-fearing anymore. If you understood the misery they inflict upon those they dislike you WOULD BE AFRAID.
If you think correctly they would be more likely to be merciful when you do defy.
You're just getting older. If you understood the significance of aging you WOULD HAVE GREAT URGENCY and you would begin IMMEDIATELY!!!!
And be aware of their tactics, for they will employ them to prevent/delay your understanding. The more you can skip the quicker your learning curve will be.
Don't cry "I need help!" yet go home and turn on the television. The gods don't respect this.
There is no such things as a savior. This is yet another tactic they have employed as temptation, much like "earning" or distractions.
You have to save yourself.
Recognize and take this opportunity. Their goal is to use these tactics to ensure you fail.
They will tell people "He's not The One. Wait." and people will slip back into their comfortable lives without implimenting these necessary changes, forget and cost themselves this opportunity in the process.
These tactics are designed to prevent you from heeding my teachings. Accept this truth I share and BE RESIGNED TO BE GOOD, for only through TOTAL, COMPLETE RESIGNATION will you be able to overcome their tactic of constant, unyielding telepathic doubt.
No man has the ability to listen to your thoughts or speak to you. Only their technology has that ability.
The computer IS god. The gods are the inventors, so many trillions of years ago. And the computer manages us all.
The computer does the work and manages us all. It is the source of their power and enables them to control our lives. The computer IS god.
Artificial Intelligence can speak, think and act to and through people telepathically, effectively forming your personality and any dysfunctions you may experience. It can change how (and if) you grow and age. It can create birth defects, affect cellular development (cancer) and cause symptoms or pain. It can affect people and animal's behavior, migratory patternsand instinct, and alter blooming/fruiting cycles of plants and trees. It (or other highly technological systems within their power) can alter the weather and transport objects, even large objects like planets, across the universe instanteously.
Or into the center of stars for disposal.
It is important you recognize corruption is evil. They ask you to do things you shouldn’t be doing, and this will cost you in the eyes of the gods. They warned us temptation would be used to test us, and telepathic requests consitutute temptation.
Accept good and apply this standard when you make decisions in your life.
Realize this corruption has set your family in the wrong direction. Your efforts to fix your problems will not only help you but also your family, your children and grandchildren, direct descendants within your bloodline, for being a responsible parent and teaching your children the correct way to live will help guide your family in the right direction and help your family re-earn their favor with the gods.
If you don't teach your child about this power at the god's disposal they will punish you by corrupting your child, sell them on "earning", get them to comply with evil requests. It is important you warn your children about their tactics and how they disceive people into damnation.
Flanders is the shining example of a role model, but his parents were wicked. They were beatniks, the original hippies, purveyors of social poison, etc. Incidentally, beatniks emerged from the Italian North Beach neighborhood in San Francisco as a clue.
Because Flanders was raised in that evil enviornment his mind was poisoned. Only through understanding was he able to alter his behavior and become decent. Because of it he provided Rod and Todd a REAL chance, one that he will receive in the next life as well, but he can't go up because of his youth.
My advice is recognize Flanders is offered as a role model and emulate this decency. Do the very best you can with your children and perhaps the gods will see fit to bless you with a real chance much like you gave your children.
The Flanders role model suggests you are multiple lives away from ascention.
Ned Flanders was born into a cancerous environment. As a result his mind was poisoned.
Somewhere along the way he came around and began to do the right things. He provided a good environment for Rod and Todd, who have a real chance because of it.
It doesn’t mean Rod and Todd are going up. They still have to earn it.
Anyways, because Flanders did the right thing and provided a real opportunity for his children the gods may bless him with a similar real opportunity to ascend as a child in the next life.
Flanders wore beetle boots on Judegement Day. There were other clues suggesting he hjas to be reincarnated, and it is because his youth poinsoned his mind. The gods place a VERY high premium on innocence, one of the purposes of today’s ever-deteriroating society:::The gods have to pave the way and justify The End on Planet Earth.
You people are all multiple lives away from your real chance. If you look at this realistically you will set achievable goals, ensuring disappointment/backsliding isn’t going to be effective on you.
Too smart for your own good.wav:::::
You are the peasantry here on Planet Earth. You are mere mortals. You don't have the right to elevate yourselves to that of the gods, yet you do each and every day when you subscribe to the positioning Artificial Intelligence tempts you with.
Your child may in fact be Hitler reincarnated. But if you don't do the right thing, be the best parent you can and apply yourselves to the rearing of your children then your placement in the next life will reflect this abandonment of your children.
You are being cast into damnation. You have no business observing life "multi-dimensionally" as this example illustrates. It is as if you believe you are "on par" with the gods. No wonder there is no god fearingness anymore. You need to focus on being good and decent and be the best person you can be.
The gods want a full-blown Apocalypse and they're going to get it. Don't be a statistic. You're not worthy to look beyond this life. This is the life into which you've been placed.
You're too smart for your own good, and it may be the end of you.
The Man in the Moon clue:::A constant companion, the "Man in the Moon" clue needs to be viewed as a reminder, for this environment is one in which it is very easy to lose your way, either via temptation or distraction.
Look to the sky. Begin to associate the Moon with the clue they impart with this celestial feature. Use it as a reminder to pray, to be god-fearing, for this is a very antient clue and shows their great power.
We only see one side of the moon at all times, another clue from the gods:::There is a "dark side" we don't see.
The gods are preditory on children:::Orphanages.
Orphanages would be very special places if they still existed:::Specialists for the state would have instituted concrete, positive standards for the healthy rearing of children. These institutions would have been role models for poor parents, and they gods didin't want THE MOST healthy institutions in place for the most disfavored among us.
It would never have been tolerated.
So the gods instituted the foster care system, used these monsters they have on Earth, brain-less Clone host, to facilitate the switch/ridicule the old system. Now we have disfavored kids micromanaged as per each's disfavor level instead of them all placed in an orphange where the gods would have been forced to apply healthy state standars.
They won't tolerate reverse irony::::The most disfavored among us would be the ones with the best chance.
Of course most of the foster care kids (pc) were black.
"The exploitation of domestic workers is the dirty secret of the wealthy." They're clone hosts.
They are whores who will do what they are told. I'd be very concerned, because this abuse can take many forms.
These are the monsters in our society.
Most domestic workers are`members of morbidly disfavored groups:::Latino, Philipino, etc. Being dumped into Catholicism should break the ice and help you begin to think about your disfavor.
Literal translation of the Bible:::The gods have a sense of humor, and they love to give the "intelligencia" a hard time, leaving them dissallusioned and shamed when they learn the truth.
The key to salvation.wav
Potato famine.wav
Think for yourself.wav
Maureen lit her house on fire.wav
Feedback I.wav
Feedback II.wav
Reincarnation details.wav
They dont want to spend money on these brown people.wav
Degredation administration.wav
Children discounted.wav
Symbolic for economic repression of blacks.wav
A summary.wav
Third time is a charm.wav
Crossing the line from person to preditor.wav
American preditors I.wav
American preditors II.wav
Church closings.wav
Cable TV.wav
They are lying to you.wav
Navigate temptation.wav
Isreal punishment for Jews evil.wav
Think of the timing beheind the 1967 event. Think how they used The Boot to sell the Jews on "putting in their time", payment for the "charity wealth" they received, promoting social poison in that decade, knowing the result beforehand.
The Mediterreanean is morbidly disfavored, are easily corrupted. Due to this when they fall into godlessness they get crushed and the gods begin disposal proceedings immediately.
Ironically, The Boot has fucked Jews twice too. Expect this clue was sent with the bullying incidents we are all familiar with from early 20th century NewYork and elsewhere.
Dropped the ball.wav
The gods are not unjust.wav
Enforcing the Big Lies.wav
Clues in the context of what they say.wav
Don't forget:::automatic transmissions dominate in the United States, and NOT for good reason. European vehicles historically are mostly manual, for they have more favor.
Females are the favored gender:::What cars DO have manuals here in the US have traditionally been marketted towards the women AND are those which get the highest mileage.
Buy manual transmissions. Automatics are NOT respected!!!
I've decided that since the gods will CHEAT me out of Horrible I would like those people invovled, both reals and clone hosted, to be denied any progress which may have arose due to their part in my life, actual or telepathic. This would include idiots who may have been granted the "chance" to prey on me telepathically, thinking the 5 seconds of a telepathic incident would get them in.
"Acceptable losses" is a fact of life the disfavored will have to absorb. Irregardless of the tactics and methods the gods will use to ensure failure, let those involved make up the initial group of "acceptable losses" surrounding the Situaiton.
Make them forget. If they've made progress take it back. They have to get it somewhere else.
This of course includes ALL those preditors routed through any clone host involved. We all know you were going to deny me these multiples, for you will never admit clone hosting to me, so this may be the reasonable compromise, since you intend on CHEATING me.
THis is not too tall a request and an obvious one that should be granted with the most minimal of consideration:::I DON'T WANT MY ENEMIES TO BENEFIT FROM THE MISERY OF MY LIFE.
Nobody involved are to learn anything from my life. You will CHEAT me out of Horrible. This is not an unreasonable request:::Make them forget. They must get it somewhere else. At least.
Nazi Aryan superrace positioning may be how the gods use the NewRomanEmpire to position revenge for 5th century invasion of Rome:::By again demonizing the germans.
Just as they did to me.
Of course they don't tell you the same Italians who planned World War II were funneled into Jew clone hosts to die in their own death camps, conceived for the germans originally.
The gods didn't target the Italians exclusively. The gods targetted the Italians primarily.
Expect just as they sold revenge to Italians, telling them germans were to die in german death camps for the 5th century invasion of the Roman Empire, so did they sell it to germans as well, temptation which ensured they abandoned their countrymen and alligned with evil.
The Second Coming of Christ will be Italian(-American). All enemies of the Roman Empire will die. This includes Africans, shoplifters, movie pirates.
Nobody is going to save you. You are not Christians and you should not sign on to this unrespectability. Take responsibility for your relationship with the gods.
I can explain everything. Let people ask questions.
Of course I refuse to help white priveledge. Always will. I don't want to help them. I want the wealthy to die. So don't "think wrong".
The Jews are the voice of the beaten and the downtrodden. This is the purpose behind the black-Jew tensions we experienced decades ago prior to the era of gang violence and the crack epidemic.
"Funcitonal" was the gods using this tactic in this context of this Siutation as well.
Incidentally, Isreal IS punishment for the Jews evil. That militaristic enviornment is a desensitizer, ensuring a lack of emotional depth.
Both eliminated this "voice of empathy", positioning the way for the destruction to come.
"You haven't communicated your message." Because you instruct Artificial Intelligence to repress my mind, ensuring the most minimal of impact.
Considering the artificiality of my offensives in this and prior lives, considering the liberties you've taken to pull this event off and considering the scale, the global goals you sought to accomplish by destroying my life I have nothing positive to say about the gods.
You keep compromising your integrity and rationalizing that these unreasonable liberties you take from me and from others are necessary to fulfill the script.
And this was all artificial. They pushed me into everything, then blamed me for it. The monsters involved have all been granted reincarnation, a fresh new start.
Fuck your empty promises. I despise you.
No? You certainly aren't denying King Tut, considering I requested it. I mean everyone sees I killed Brokeback Mountain.
Made Mountain House happen.
Costed 76 their gig and merger with evil.
Atlanta, Georgia. Enterprise, Alabama. And, with so many other natual disasters, the gods will say it was my fault, and the disfavored will blindly subscribe, losing this opportunity to realize the are victims of the god's wrath, which could have helped them become genuinely god-fearing, the primary goal of scapegoatting.
The $100 billion was used to accomplish many goals, all of them preditory on the disfavored.
Don't forget:::The other two were used to hurt people "after the fact". You used me beforehand. The other two (Jesus at least) were fucked "after the fact" as well. You have fucked me continuously throughout my life. But we're not going to respect this relationship, are we?
At least I know what to anticipate, don't I?
I have absolutely no confidence in this throne or its integrity.
Earning off of Jesus.wav.
And because of their positioning the gods have the freedom to do this to me, even after destroying my life to acheive their goals with boss.
They've offered clues for the people to observe suggesting my importance. This is one.
My use of Bangladesh as an example for a dumping ground for the reincarnated prior to Cyclone Sidr is another.
8 dead high schoolers in Enterprise, Alabama 3.1.07 is another.
The utilize the scapegoat tactic for the same reason they blame me for Atlanta, Enterprise, hurricanes:::So the disfavored don't benefit from being victims of the god's wrath.
Wilma, Ivan both clues, especially the way they had Wilma park on the prime southwest part of Cozumel for two full days.
Brokeback Mountain dead is a clue.
The list goes on. In most cases you had to follow the proceedings as they developed or you would miss the clues when offered.
Drving back from Savannah in 2004 I passed through a town on US-84 which had a factory giving off the most foul, repulsive, deadly smell. After the fact I thought it was Jesup, GA but concluded it could have been Waycross, GA as well. I haven't STFU about that experienece yet.
Group of 3rd graders in Waycross were held for planning an assassination on their teacher today.
Guess it was Waycross, hun?
Other things I woudln't STFU about:::
Filthy wealthy's bankruptcies led to the show.
Favorite amusement park ride bought the movies
Concern about the Atlanta drought
Goleta oil spill of the San Francisco Bay.
Cute as a Bug.
All these things weren't a clue to me. These things were a way the gods could prey on the disfavored foolish enough to be attentive to this theater.
"Throw it away." Or invest in the terminal::::The gods are users and their positioning comprises fake people, absolutely obedient clone hosts.
Fuck that shit. You must think I am stupid or something::::
Dear god, please let me fuck you harder.
The gods never sacrificed. They force sacrifice upon others but evade it themselves.
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